Hi All
Headed over to Peel early morning to land that keeper for the holidays. Well I got the biggest grinner I have ever caught and not much more. Heaps of small Squire & Grassies though, so I was kept busy with catch and release and on my light gear this is great fishing anyway.
Hit the Raby Bay Ramp at 5.00am and headed over to the target area for Piccadilly dawn. On my last 2 outings I covered a lot of country and didn't stay in the one spot too often...So today I decided to work just one area and that area was the Inner Beacon on the Western side of Peel.
When I arrived, the squire were on the chew big time. In fact I must have landed a small fish every 5 minutes or so. The drift was South/South East and I found that there were better fish out wider. Anyway, No keeper.
Plastics was the weapon of choice....Slowly loosing faith in this and will soon be Back with Webby and his "fresh is best" followers. I do believe that a WA Pillie on a 2 gang would have landed a keeper today....but anyway...plastics it was. As you do when fishing plastics, I mixed it up a bit...Worm, Shaky Shad in 4" & 3", different colour etc. Again stacks of hits but no keepers.
I did get one solid run that I lost on the way up. My guess is it spat the hook due to my no Barb policy.
Techinique...for T1 who is a placcie man. I tried casting into the drift, lifting from 4-2 o'clock periodically 80/20 & 60/40. This produced little results at varying depth. What I found worked the best...was dropping over the other side...allowing the 1/8 jig head to drop to the bottom...and then just ever so slightly lifting the rod. This way the Jig head just bumped along the bottom on the drift. I got stacks of hits this way....it must have looked like a little bait fish feeding on the bottom.
Around 10.00am there was some activity with bait fish on the surface, so I changed over to my popper and flicked into the activity....Nothing. I even tried trolling my popper up along the spit at high tide...Nothing.
Brilliant day out, Glassed out all morning. Back to the ramp @ 11.00 am