The front page of today's (19/4/07) Townsville Bulletin & most of page 4 has to be the biggest beat-up of a story I have seen for quite a while. The
headlines & story indicates that, while the commercial trawler fleet has
been laid up for 8 or 9 days due to rough weather over the Easter period, recreational fishers have been flooding the black market with their catch.
For goodness sake, if it's too rough for the commercial fleet to go fishing,
then it's most certainly too rough for the recreational fishermen also.
A professional trawler skipper is quoted as saying "Your risking your life
to go out in that sort of wind." Statements like this & others scattered
throughout the article, eg. "the black market from recreational fishers has
exploded," Black market trade booms." indicates to me, a complete lack of creditability.
It makes me wonder if the commercials are using the same spin doctor as
GBRMPA who often make outlandish statements without any evidence to back
them up.
Cheers - Lou