Nice bass mate. Did you get a measure on it? I s that a surface lure way down its gob?
Nice bass mate. Did you get a measure on it? I s that a surface lure way down its gob?
Hi scottym,
The lure was a Daiwa TD Vibration S, but it's a crankbait, not a surface lure.The water was pretty dirty when I fished so I used a brighter coloured lure.This lure accounted for 9 fish and I tend to use them and Megabass Vibration X Ultra crankbaits, as much if not more than the Jackall TN60's.
The one in pic measured 52cm to fork.
Nice fish and a nice looking rod , excuse my ignorance but what or who's is it?
Hi mate, The rod is based on a G Loomis blank (843 from memory- I am at work and can't check) which is suited to throwing crankbaits which is my main weapon when bass fishing.
I had Bearclaw ( a member on these forums) build it for me and we discussed cork,handle, guides, reel seat etc before he went ahead.I am very happy with it and can heartily recommend his work.
Thats one n i c e b i g bass mate. Caught at NPD I'm assuming? How much do those TD crankbaits retail for?
nice fish ill have to fish npd one day as it seems like a lot of fat big bass. cheers bdowdy