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Thread: Green Is & Cleveland 17th April

  1. #1

    Green Is & Cleveland 17th April

    The wife was away today so I borrowed her company car and took my kayak out for a spin. I was hoping to meet up with Ben from Canberra but he couldn't make it - so I was on my own.

    I started at Wello this morning & the conditions were almost perfect - but although I was getting hits, I didn't manage a hook up. The fish always seemed to fight for about 30 seconds - a good run and then dove into the reef.

    I tried plastics, Squid and Pilly baits - but got zip.

    So I tried further out and managed a single (huge) grinner. Yippie..... So tried trolling over to Green - and got one very solid run on a bonito - but again this one managed to get loose.

    So after about 15 K's of paddling - I decided to call it.

    I then decided that I had enough time for a quick run round at Cleveland. I have seen yellow-fin tuna breaching there recently, so I thought I'd give it a go.

    As I headed out the wind was picking up and the slop/chop was about 2ft. As I passed the beacons the wind increased to around 15 knots and a solid 4 ft swell. My best option I decided was to troll a bonito in the general direction of Peel - I wasn't hoping for much as there was no activity to be seen and the weather was looking grim.

    I did manage 1 tailor at 30cm - but that was it.

    Still a nice day on the water and a picture perfect sunset.
    Tight lines, Look Cool - Act Cool - Be Cool

    Ocean Kayak Prowler Elite 4.5 meter

  2. #2

    Re: Green Is & Cleveland 17th April

    I get tired doing 15ks under power let alone paddling,must be nice to be fit .cheers alex

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