And these posts have to do with a stolen Cat because?????????????
And these posts have to do with a stolen Cat because?????????????
Agree this blew out......Gav you up and back in the water? Whens our next m&g on? pm me if interested.
planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish
"The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
(Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)
Apathy is the enemy
A workmate had her purse, cash and jewelry stolen from inside her house whilst she was in the shower and hubby had gone out for a jog - leaving the garage door open.
Her next door neighbour had his police ID badge and other stuff stolen at the same time.
They caught the little w@nker the next day. Apparently his prints had been found on burglaries up and down the coast. He was only the "footman" doing the bidding of his bosses. The bosses of course, are never caught.
The ID badge was not recovered. I wonder if little mate "tripped over" a few times after his arrest![]()
Hope you get the boat back!!!!!!
Sorry to here your bad news.
I just want to say to every boat owner BE CAREFUL. I believe that boat theft is on the rise and is becoming more brazen. I live on the Redcliffe Peninsula and about 2 weeks I saw a couple of suss looking chracters sitting across the road from my house pointing at my two boats ( 4mtr Clarke tinny and a 4.5 mtr Stessco Runabout) . Personally I don't believe they were just admiring them. I watched them for a while (4-5mins). They took off and about 5 hrs later just on dark they returned. This time I thought attack was the best defence and went down to ask them what they were looking at. As I approached them they took off very quickly. I think they were eyeing them off as all of my cars were out and it looked as though no one was home. I park my private vehicle in front and chain my hound to them now.
Once again Gav, my sympathy goes to you and hope for a speedy return of your boat.
Cheers mate,
Gav, glad to hear you got the boat back, it was looking a bit of a mess last time I saw it -with the back end missing and all-.
I hope you get back on the water soon, and your insurance covers the lost gear.
Bootyin blue
if this is the case was bob more than 12/15/20Km or whatever it is to get fined 250.00 or the police lying.
It has to be one or the other!!!!
I also thought that monies from fines went straight to consolidated revenue as they do for penalties under WH&S legislation prosecutions. Perhaps if the money did go to main roads (traffic offences) and/or Detir (WH&S) we would all be better off on the roads and at work.
One thing I'm with you - dont speed -don't get fined.
Thanks to all concerned, dont really understand how half the crap written was anything to do with a stolen boat, should try your own post.
boat is having a severe makeover at the moment as I thought it was a good opportunity to upgrade etc etc. The ins co was very good and speedy. I hope to have it back in the water before the sailfish shootout in Sept.
Well a good outcome gav overall. I have one of those locks on trailer.....looks like I will be looking for some alternative now. Thanks for letting all know what they cracked to help us out with out rigs. This is why Ausfish is so good - sharing info.
As for this seemingly never ending want for people to get off topic....what gives?
The net is no different than conversing in a pub. People watching/listening is enlightening and it never ceases to amaze me how people drift off topic in everyday conversations.
Anyways, enough of that.........what about the price of rhubarb at the moment? Bloody ridiculous eh?![]()
See my breeder fish photography here:
Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.
Don't get me started on rhubarb!!!! rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb rhubarb
Cheaper to buy Petrol, although its cheaper than water. How about the footy? Isn't the weather unpredictable? Sorry, what was the topic again.