got home this arvo and hit the net, noticing geoff72 nocked off a few a jacks today i thought the dropping barrometer might have them active.
i quick scurry around at home i noticed i left nearly all my estury gear at my parents house where my boat lives. the only stuff i had was my box of expensive bream hardbodies and my bream hb rod with a heavy 1lb line.
i thought stuff it i'll go anyway, went to a landbased spot where you can sometimes find a lurking jack.
cutting to the chase after about 10mins of casting came up tight on the ecogear sx40 and after a bit of a tussle to kept him away from distruction. got him in for a quick pic and sent him back. only small at 35cm but a lot of fun on such light gear.
fished for about 30mins more but only got 2 small trevally and a small bream.