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Thread: 90hp E-Tec owners

  1. #1

    90hp E-Tec owners

    G'day all,first post so not sure if this topic has been covered before.I own a 2005 90hp e-tec and feel i may not have the correct prop on it.Prop size is 13,3/4 X 15 .My boat is a cruisecraft explorer 500 and loaded with 2-3 adult's with fishing gear and 120ltr of fuel manage to get about 31knts.Is this about the average or not.Any thoughts or advice will be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2

    Re: 90hp E-Tec owners


    The speed sounds ok to me, but at what RPM are you reaching 31kts?


  3. #3

    Re: 90hp E-Tec owners

    It gets to 5400-5500rpm. This is what got me thinking,when i took it back for the fuel filter recall they asked me why i changed the prop and does it rev out properly.Curious to know what everyone else got with theirs.
    Last edited by punta; 11-04-2007 at 05:49 PM.

  4. #4

    Re: 90hp E-Tec owners

    Speed sounds OK. I've got a 15 inch prop on mine & it does 30 knots at 5200 rpm. Is on a 5.2m Quinnie centre console. Just propped down from a 17 inch which did 32 knots at the same rpm. Only propped it down so I had more grunt for bar crossings & maybe it might chew a bit less fuel when travelling in open waters, not that there was anything wrong with the fuel consumption in the first place.


  5. #5

    Re: 90hp E-Tec owners

    W.T.F.H. Thanks mate seems as though im worrying about nothing,im pretty happy with fuel consumsion myself just thought i may have got a little more speed, might have to look at the big blokes i fish with.Did your motor originally come with the 17 and if so was it SS.

  6. #6

    Re: 90hp E-Tec owners

    Mines got the original Stainless Steel prop it was supposed to come with (a different story). It pushes a 5.8M Quintrex Sea Raider Cuddy Cabin, 190L fuel, me (120kgs) and the deckie (50kgs).

    On a perfectly flat day the best I've had mine was 35 knots at wot (about 5300rpm)



  7. #7

    Re: 90hp E-Tec owners

    Sounds as though im about par for the course,i didn't get the SS prop but at the time was so focused on overall price and screwing the dealer for all i could obviously overlooked this part of the package.Ended up getting it for $2500 cheaper than anyone else in the country at the time but now realise they got a little of their own back unbeknown to me at the time.Got caught up in the bells and whistles maybe.Thanks for the repley's boy's ....APPRECIATED.
    Last edited by punta; 12-04-2007 at 09:04 PM.

  8. #8

    Re: 90hp E-Tec owners

    Mine originally came with a 17 inch S/S prop (standard) & the best I could get out of it was 32-33 knots at 5200-5300 revs & that was WOT. These readings came off the GPS & not the speedo. I haven't seen a speedo that is accurate yet.


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