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Thread: Lucinda Fishing

  1. #1

    Lucinda Fishing

    Heading to Lucinda on Tuesday for a week.Want to catch some Fingermark never caught any before.Need some advice on what where & how to fish for them.Also any reports on whats biting or a good Tackle shop that i can get in touch with for some reliable info.

  2. #2

    Re: Lucinda Fishing

    Hey spookie, look me up when you get here (just Google search lucinda lures) & I will try to put you on to a fish or two.

    Cheers - Lou
    Timber lures - just bung 'em in the water mate & hang on !!!

  3. #3

    Re: Lucinda Fishing

    Quote Originally Posted by luigi View Post
    Hey spookie, look me up when you get here (just Google search lucinda lures) & I will try to put you on to a fish or two.

    Cheers - Lou
    nice lures too - used them on barra in the Daly when we were having trouble getting a touch on anything else.


  4. #4

    Re: Lucinda Fishing

    cant offer you any hints but im heading that way in early may and would any info you can pass on after you trip .i,ll be fishing the river systems between cardwell and lucinda
    good luck

  5. #5

    Re: Lucinda Fishing

    mate make sure u go to lucinida lures, great lures and they do work. The other tackle shop is in ingham just around the corner from the caltex garage. Make sure your gear is up to it if ur chasing the finger mark , we landed one at xmas 54cm from memory in 3 foot of water, we then had to retire the reel for the rest of the trip do to the fish bending the main saft, strong little buggers. This is the little bugger in question, got him on sun set and like i said 3 ft off water, the old bloke lives up there and i was teaching him how to lure fish (guess i will never do that again) old mate from lucinida lures will no him. anyway have a great trip and remember the old crocs they where everywhere at xmas

  6. #6

    Re: Lucinda Fishing

    Live squid (or very fresh) off the end of the sugar loading jetty at night is supposed to be the go. MY brother and I tried to get out there last time we were there but there was a strong wind warning on the whole time we were there.

    Also supposed to be some around the eastern side of Hinchinbrook on that rock that gets exposed at low tide. Can't remember the name of it but it's on the south eastern side of Hinchinbrook.


  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member whiteman's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Townsville Qld

    Re: Lucinda Fishing

    Caught on a lure in 8m of water over sand. Went 9.3 kg. You can see Haycock Is in the background. This is not a secret spot. Plenty bottom bash/troll over this area (it's probably overfished). I am usually glued to the sounder fishing the channel. Spotted this fish as a single large arch then went back and whamo!
    Good luck.

  8. #8

    Re: Lucinda Fishing

    Nice fish Whiteman i know where that is so i will give it a try with some lures.
    If i do no good i'll get some squid like Richard suggested Thanks

  9. #9

    Re: Lucinda Fishing

    nice fish boys. it will be my first trip to the region .so i,ll be keen to explore lots of area .i,m sure we,ll catch something to talk about when i get back . i appreicate all info . (not tryin to steal you thread just tagging along)
    good luck
    Last edited by sambos; 12-04-2007 at 07:49 PM.

  10. #10

    Re: Lucinda Fishing

    I'll be up at that way for the May Day long weekend for a bash!

    Hope the weather's a bit better than it has been lately so we can get out and get on to some quality fish!

    Look forward to your pics


  11. #11

    Re: Lucinda Fishing

    Hey Spookie, a couple of tips....... at the mouth of the Herbert river on the right hand side facing Hinchinbrook Island there is a sand bar running from right to left fish on either side of the drop off on the out going or incoming tide. There are a couple large holes in the creek oposite Haycock Island find the holes and you'll do well.

    Fingermark like a gravel or sandy bottom.

    Good fishing.


  12. #12

    Re: Lucinda Fishing

    Good onya Kenny thanks for the info.hopefully i'll have some good pics when i get back

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