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Thread: Bracket to carry small outboard motor

  1. #1

    Bracket to carry small outboard motor

    I will be doing a bit of tripping around later this year & wish to carry a 6hp 4/s motor on the outside of my Troopy,it will power an inflatable. I have rang the likes of T.J.M etc but no one seems to have a bracket that could be used to carry a motor. There seems to be a bracket that could be modified to fit a 100 series but nothing for a Troopy. Does anyone have any suggestions where I might get some advice ? as I haven't had much help from the 4x4 accessories places that I've been to.

  2. #2

    Re: Bracket to carry small outboard motor

    Bung a picture of what you have at the back of the troopy and see what people can suggest.

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