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Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you? - Page 2
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Thread: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

  1. #16

    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    There is another thought, if we are allowed to wash bird s*it off the car, can you wash fish s*it off your boat.

  2. #17

    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    Only when the maggots are forming

    Got my tank installed intime for the last lot of rain 1/3 full now.. should keep me going till the next downpour


  3. #18
    Ausfish Platinum Member Wahoo's Avatar
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    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    all i can say is i feel sorry for you guys down there
    every time it rains up here it gets me SO DAMN cranky just watching millions of gallons of fresh water an hour getting washed down the drain

    i wonder if they can rail the water down say twice a week, would help things out a bit till something is done

    for me i load the full blame on the Gov
    they have known about this for a very long time, and each year the just blow tens of millions of $$$$ on crap like fireworks ( newyear ausday xmas ) and in the last 5 yrs how much $$$$$$ did aus hand out overseas????? you can see that the Gov is putting Aus 2nd in line
    this money could be spent on putting a pipeline right beside the rail line

    anyway theres my rant


  4. #19

    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    Yep and the new dam they've got planned will ruin another river system in an area that has been drought declared..And they continue to build huge shopping centres and industrial building with literally acres of water catchment roofs and they have enough tanks to crow about how green they are but still use the water supply that is rapidly running out.
    All whinging aside the water situation is getting pretty scary.

  5. #20

    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    Evenin' all....

    Coming from Brissy originally, I feel for everyone there in the current situation.
    When we left Brissy just over 2 years ago now, we had no real issues like this; for example, I recall you could water your yard with a hose on certain days - worst I think I saw was level 3 WR.

    After living in Cairns now for close to a year and a half and seeing the pictures on tonights TV, I think now how fortunate we are to have green grass nearly everywhere here and more water than we know what to do with.

    The sad reality is that people will start moving north more and more and the problem with regards to water use per person will just shift up the coast gradually to the point where in the next 25 or so years I believe that we will have water restrictions here.

    What's really stupid is that when a person with seemingly good amount of common sense and intellectual prowess makes it into King George Square, George St. or Canberra it all goes out the window (that goes for all of 'em - Labor, Liberal the whole damn bunch).

    For those who live in Brisbane, when was the last time that you saw a fountain running endless amounts of water - bet you can remember it if you try hard. It's not that long ago that the water feature at the top of the Queen St. Mall near the casino was turned off .

    With that in mind, I agree with what Crackerjack has said with regards to the blame - all levels of Government should have seen this coming at least ten years ago. Instead, Howard, Beattie and Soorley / Newman and co stuck their heads straight back up their "you know what" and decided that someone else could deal with it later.

    Now they all are in a mad panic trying to get out of the bog they are in and blaming each other in the process...
    Parliament: another name for "expensive tax payer funded childcare"

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  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    Tank delivered today.
    Will have it installed by the weekend. Just need a bit of rain to put something in it!

    Dont really need it for the boat, most of my fishing is in the dams. Take an elcheapo bilge pump, ($20) drop it over the side at the end of the day, wash off the boat, no problems.

  7. #22
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    that idea about piping water down from Nth Qld will never happen...ridiculous cost to do it.

  8. #23
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    the reason there are not more dams...NIMBY syndrome and votes.

  9. #24

    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    I heard (another) rumor that the BCC used to sell water to the GCCC a couple of years ago. If this was true were they just in it for the $$$$ If it's not true then I won't believe everything I hear...

  10. #25
    Ausfish Platinum Member Wahoo's Avatar
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    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    that idea about piping water down from Nth Qld will never happen...ridiculous cost to do it.
    so we just sit back and do nothing about it and just hand out money left right an center and keep blowing millions each year on fireworks, that should keep everyone happy for a few hours

  11. #26
    Ausfish Platinum Member Wahoo's Avatar
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    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by wags on the water View Post
    I heard (another) rumor that the BCC used to sell water to the GCCC a couple of years ago. If this was true were they just in it for the $$$$ If it's not true then I won't believe everything I hear...
    wags, i have heard the same thing about 2yrs ago, thats all it comes down too is the $$$$$$$$$ for themselfs

  12. #27

    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by hungry6 View Post
    I think level 5 will affect city ppls harder than those that lives in the bush/country
    During 92/93 we had a mini drounght here in the south east, the first thing we did was went out put new bore and extensively increased the waterholding of both of our dams. combined volumetric capacity is over 15 megs and at 90%. If uneducated country ppls like us can see the writting on the wall, then what is the gotv. is actually reading of the walls!!!
    Sorry about my rant.

    if uneducated country people like you can see the writing on the wall, then what are they getting drought relief for?why didn,t they just sink another few bores ,and extensively increase there dams combined volumetric capacity. then the govt
    wouldn,t have to read the walls, when you people read it for them. sorry about my rant. bob h ( uneducated city folk)

  13. #28
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    Water is just one issue.

    This is the latest population forecasts for QLD from QLD Treasury.

    QLD’s population will almost double by 2051 from 4.04M to 7.1M (median projection).
    Queensland’s population is set to grow by 1.54 million over the next 20 years. More than 5.5 million people are expected to call the State home by 2026. This growth will be fuelled by the continuing flow of interstate and overseas migration, as more and more people become attracted to our warm climate, outdoor lifestyle and strong economy.

    We will also need to manage our ageing population as the median age of Queenslanders is expected to rise from 36.3 years to 40.8 years over the next two decades. This will increase demand on health, public transport, housing and care services. These issues will need to be managed correctly to ensure the ongoing sustainability of our communities.

    The majority of this growth is expected in the south east region, with Brisbane’s
    population expected to pass one million by the end of 2007. However, it won’t just be
    limited to Brisbane. The population in the Western Corridor of Ipswich City and
    Beaudesert Shire is expected to more than double over the next 20 years.

    Whilst there are definite advantages to this growth, we need to manage it in a
    sustainable manner through effective regional planning, water supply, infrastructure
    delivery and housing strategies.

    Sobering stuff. If you think its bad now...


  14. #29

    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    Gday all, i live on tank water & always have so i do what i want at my own perill. We have always taken short showers & done all that water saving stuff that the state govt is crapping on about ie dual flush toilets, special shower heads, dont hose the garden & so on. So i dont give a crap. Just wondering all youse ausfishers who use Wello ramp if Redlands Shire has level 2 restrictions why dont we take a hose with us & use the tap beside the ramp.
    "We gave Howard the Arse now we have to fix Rudd"
    "Now we have to sort Gillard" F@?k me RUDD again
    Abbott and Newman what a great next few years "NOT"

  15. #30
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Level 5 Restrictions - What does this mean for you?

    Quote Originally Posted by crackerjack View Post
    so we just sit back and do nothing about it and just hand out money left right an center and keep blowing millions each year on fireworks, that should keep everyone happy for a few hours
    the pennies spent on fireworks are some basic maths on the cost of pumping water 1000 klms and see how much it works out I is not feasible. If Goss had built Wolffdene as originally planned and interconnected the dams as originally planned we would not have this problem. The writing was on the wall quite a few years ack but various Govts. chose to ignore it until now.

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