If its not one thing - its another.
No boat, but money - couldn't find the right boat.
Right boat - Money used for something else, finance comes too late.
Save a little money - got a little boat, with a "few" things to fix
The "few" things turn into multiple time/money consuming things. Spend holidays fixing boat.
Got boat fixed - weather turns to crap.
Take boat and family for test run - boat leaks
Go home, fix leaks.
Weather improves - too busy with other things.
Weather OK, time OK - car needs fixing.
Car fixed - weather turns crappy again.
Finally go fishing with kids - Kid says "I feel sick, can we go home."
Weather fine, car OK, not busy - Tilt/trim craps itself.
Tilt/trim removed - not fixable. Decide to get new motor
Minister of finance approves new motor
Go to tinny show - secure good deal on motor.
Old motor removed at home - discover transom soft beneath motor mount.
Meanwhile - looking at reports section - Last of pelagics and prawns Now.
I consider knitting as new hobby.
Now expecting world wool shortage - Price of wool to rise astronomically.![]()