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Thread: any one still catching prawns in Brisbane

  1. #1

    any one still catching prawns in Brisbane

    Hi all I got a call from a mate yesterday asking me if I was 1 of the 23 boats (thats right he said he counted them) just out from the mouth of Nudgee creek throwing a cast net(early morning), I wasnt (had to work) so my question is ,is any 1 else getting into them I have a throw down at the pine a few times a week but am not doing any good like I was a month or so back.Cheers Snas

    Live life like a dog,If you cant eat it or hump it ,
    pee on it and walk away.

  2. #2

    Re: any one still catching prawns in Brisbane

    I think they've moved out front mate. I accidently got quite a few midweek from sandgate pier whilst chasing herring. Unfortunately, the jellyfish had me pack up early. They were mainly greasys with a few large narnas thrown in. Wish I could've stuck it out longer but I got a small feed...........better than nothing.


    See my breeder fish photography here:
    Quality digital copies free to Ausfishers............use as wallpaper or can be printed......size up to 20 x16. PM for details.

  3. #3

    Re: any one still catching prawns in Brisbane


    Just up tinny creek, the quality has improved, but the numbes decreased alot.

    I think they have moved south


  4. #4

    Re: any one still catching prawns in Brisbane

    The yellow raincoats are starting to appear off Shorncliff which is a sure sign the big bananas are staring to appear. Once they do 23 boats will be a very quiet day. A year or so ago I ran out from Clontarf in the dark one morning and counted the boats at first light. There were over 60 and I was the only non-yellow raincoat there! I haven't tried out the front yet although I chcked out both the Pine and Cabbage Tree-Nundah Creeks last week. There were a few small bananas and greasies about (mainly bait size) and the quality was better in Nundah Creek than it was in the Pine. I'll probably have a look tomorrow early just to see what's there again. If it's not blowing too hard I'll check out Bramble Bay as well. I'll put up a report tomorrow evening
    Cheers Freeeedom

  5. #5

    Re: any one still catching prawns in Brisbane


    I was down the logan and the powerlines sunday morning early, there were a few raincoats there, probably about 25-30 boats at the powerlines.

    Also check the reports section.


  6. #6

    Re: any one still catching prawns in Brisbane

    Where can I buy a yellow raincoat.

    If that's what it takes - I'll wear one.

  7. #7

    Re: any one still catching prawns in Brisbane

    Quote Originally Posted by Sea-Dog View Post
    Where can I buy a yellow raincoat.

    If that's what it takes - I'll wear one.

    I have a idea, next time you are surrounded by them, ask them if u can put an order in with them next time they buy in bulk?


  8. #8

    Re: any one still catching prawns in Brisbane

    Launched at Deep Water Bend at 5.30 this morning and ran down to the Hornibrook to see if I could get out in front of Shorncliff but there was already a fair breeze and chop going, and with the forecast 20 -25 knots of southerly I decided not to push my luck. I went back up the Pine - the trawler was working the deep hole above the freeway bridges so I gave it a miss and went up to Stinky Wall. There were a few bait size prawns there so I worked them for about an hour. Went back to the bend at Castle Hill and worked the corner there for another hour. Ended up with about 2 kg of prawns and sore shoulders and arms. About then Snasman came along - nice to be able to put a face to another Ausfish name. Tried a couple of my usual spots for some poddy mullet, but only managed one large one. Had a fish for a while up the creek by the gravel pit using the fresh prawns. Managed one nice bream, one small trevally (about 1kg), plus the usual hordes of catfish and the odd stingray. Spoke to a bloke cast-netting at the pontoon by the boat ramp as I came in and he was doing OK on the prawns - said they were the best from the pontoon for quite a while
    Cheers Freeeedom

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