hey all. just been fishing at ewen maddock. it was a pretty good session as it was my first proper session at thins dam. we got there at about 7-7.30. i was using a cultiva popper in a walk the dog style and my mate was using a jackall tn 60. finally got a hit on the cultiva, missed it then got smashed again. hooked up on a good sized saratoga but about 2 seconds later it cleared the water and threw the lure back at my face. DISAPOINTED. next fish was a 51cm fat bass to my mate will on an auspin spinerbait on one of the points. good fish and fought hard. didn't catch anything for for about 1 and a half hours. then finally i got a 41cm bass on a slider slow rolled near the rockwall. good fight on 4lb fireline. i think it was a good day for our fist attempt.
thx for reading