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Act Now To Protect Your Right To Camp & Drive On Noosa's North Shore & Cooloola Beach
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Thread: Act Now To Protect Your Right To Camp & Drive On Noosa's North Shore & Cooloola Beach

  1. #1

    Act Now To Protect Your Right To Camp & Drive On Noosa's North Shore & Cooloola Beach

    Had an email from Cliff (Bear) Andreassen yesterday regarding an organisation calling them selves the Teewah Beach Cooloola Working Group.
    It would appear they are an organization put together by local Noosa Council to decide on the future of the Double Island Point region.
    Their job is to evaluate and suggest regulations to manage the NoosaNorthShore area. There are no representatives on the committee of rec fishing, 4x4 clubs, camping groups, tourism operators or local businesses. The committee is made of Council representatives, environmental and conservation groups.
    According to Cliff, their proposed changes include a max of 500 people on the beach, a $30 fee to use the beach, max 50kmph speed limit - plus many more restrictions.
    Cliff is calling for all anglers to protest these changes by writing to:

    The Chief Executive Officer
    Noosa Council
    PO Box 438
    TEWANTIN.Q. 4565.

    Dave ><>

    Last edited by Nugget; 01-04-2007 at 04:37 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    Thanks for the heads-up Dave.

    Might go one further and get in touch with the TBCWG and ask ' wot's doin' ?

    Cheers Phill
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  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    Always concerning when council reps get together.

    Lucky let us know what they say.


  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member gruntahunta's Avatar
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    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    Nugget......I hope with your contacts that you may get on to this as I am sure it is only a minority of rich, self centered influential selfish illinformed "people" who have nothing better to do than to stop the fun loving, hard working aussie of having his/her time of relaxation and recreation on a place that belongs to us all.

    Hope that didnt come across too harsh but.......ffs.......surely Noosa rulers must realize we are never going to go to their resorts instead of camping/4wdriving on OUR beach and that they dont own it.

    So please nugget, could you nip this in the butt on your radio show and any other way you can



  5. #5

    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    Hi All

    AS above-- hope nugget can get on the bandwagon..

    I find this typical. A group of people deciding the future of something and they most likely have no idea of the real world.

    Do they fish, go camping, take the 4b up the beach???????????????
    Probably not and here we go they get to decide whats right for double island.

    It only takes one to spoil it for everyone else.. Quote from fellow Ausfisher.


  6. #6

    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    I've been going up there for 30 years and always thought that the camping area wasn't in Noosa shire anyhow. I may stand corrected, but isn't there 3 shires that own sections of that beach?

    In saying this, it has gone down hill dramatically in my experience and would prefer some restrictions. I won't go there these days with my kids. It's worse than a highway and the bush dunnies are everywhere. I'll pay the extra and go to Moreton or maybe Bribie.

  7. #7

    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    I'm a bit both ways on this one. Wherever there are areas with no restrictions a few idiots are always going to stuff it up for the majority - it's world rules I'm afraid. Unfortunately the goats behind the decision making I have reservations. Some of the d**kheads that tear up & down the beaches need to be hung.

    It's a shame that progess forces these changes, I just hope they don't bugger it up totally.

    I will submit my objections & hope everyone else does as well.

    Fingers crossed.

    c'mon, take the bait....

  8. #8

    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    Quote Originally Posted by sandbankmagnet View Post
    I may stand corrected, but isn't there 3 shires that own sections of that beach?

    Yes there are several Councils involved - hence the reason for this 'Working Group' - a combined Council group.

    Obviously I'll do what I can to prevent more restrictions without justification.
    The more people that complain, the more they will get listened to.
    What amazes me is the money they spend on promoting tourism... you can't have it both ways, tourism dollars and the green's preferential votes.

    Dave ><>

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    If such a 'working group' is allowed to make these kinds of decisions without involving all stakeholders, a precedent will be set for other shires to follow.

    Bribie, Moreton and Straddie could follow suit with similar restrictions. There are already rumblings from some Straddie green residents to ban 4b's from beaches.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member JB's Avatar
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    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    This sucks, there are that many "proposals" around to ban this and ban that how is a bloke supposted to do anything about it. Every week i read this forum topic i hear a new ban or restriction proposal... hook point , no 4wd's , green zones this and that... now this. It really comes down to a bunch of overpaid "LOSERS" that want to ban "FUN". Well i hope they go home to thier kids and say "guess what johnny i banned FUN today... " and give themselves a pat on the back for thier crap ideas.

    I'll send a few emails nugget, lets just hope it helps. Thanks for the heads up.


  11. #11

    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    When ever the words WORKING GROUP are used in Noosa it usually means they are about to stuff things up for some one. As a Queenslander who has lived in Noosa for over 18 years, I can tell you, if some thing is fun, then one small group or another here will ruin it for the rest.


  12. #12

    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    Fair enough Nugget, I didn't know what a Working Group was. I just thought it was an oxymoron when it came to councils.

    I still think they have the right idea. Something has to be done. Just probably not the right people. Get input from every aspect. Be open. Some people just think they know everything or can't stand to be shown up and take aggression/refusal to anything that they haven't thought about. I can see that happening in this case.

    As I said, I used to go there a lot, but it's not a drop on what it used to be now. I used to have a lot of fun up there, but the idiots that ruin it these days and the state that it's left in has banned the fun for me.

  13. #13
    Ausfish New Member
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    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    Just thought id put my two cents in for what its worth. I agree partly with sandbankmanagement. Im lucky to live rite near Rainbow Beach and have been fishing/camping along Teewah/North Shore for about 15 years now. Over the past 5 years, these areas have definetly been "overloved" by campers, fishos and 4wd owners alike. The sheer volume of people now using these areas has made the whole camping and 4wdrvn experience less enjoyable, particluary at school holiday time. Driving along teewah and north sehore at holiday time feels like driving along george st in Brisbane - deadset there are people and vehicles everywhere and throw in kids running to the water you have an accident waiting to happen. There is little or no infrastructure at camping spots along Teewah(like toilets) - there are more landmines in the dunes than in Iraq

    I dont think banning people from using the beach is the answer but - however there definetly needs to be limits in place on the number of people camping/driving along the beach to protect these senstitive areas. Definelty need to see a greater police presence, there are too many hoons spoling it for others.

    can i add, if were going to ban anything, what about reducing the number of beach netters so we can catch a couple of fish during May - October !!!

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Feb 2006

    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    Dave, it may be worth checking the accuracy of the figures that Cliff has quoted to you. My understanding - and I receive all minutes of both of the working group meetings - is that the proposed camping nos are to be capped at 1500 in Cooloola Shire at Xmas and 750 at other times. I don't believe that vehicle nos are capped at all but a permit system would naturally reduce these nos. The same working groups are also looking at avenues for banning commercial netting on the North Shore which we should be supportive of. The 50kph limit for the whole beach has been talked about, but there are several on these working groups that are opposed to the idea. Also, the working groups merely make recommendations to the Noosa and Cooloola Shires which may or may not be acted upon.
    Cliff of course is a part owner of the ferries over the Noosa River and has a vested interest here that potentially could be adversely affected.
    My thoughts are that we are finally on the right path with many of the recommendations after 25 years of pushing for aspects of them. Many would say that as a Teewah resident, I am looking after my own interests. However my interests and those of the majority of tourists that come to this region are likely to be the same in that we want to enjoy the beach without the massive numbers to destroy the experience.


  15. #15

    Re: Double Isl Point changes

    Quote Originally Posted by Slider View Post
    Dave, it may be worth checking the accuracy of the figures that Cliff has quoted to you.

    Hi Lindsay - thanks for your input - I spoke to Cliff yesterday and will interview him on 4BC Sunday morning.
    Part of problem, according to what Cliff told me today, is that they have not been involved in any discussions or told what the outcome of the Working Group is - I think a lot being touted at the moment is scuttlebutt based on lack of accurate info.

    Time will tell.

    Dave ><>

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