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Thread: CDMA End Date?

  1. #1
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Gold Coast

    CDMA End Date?

    Does anyone have any firm facts on when Tel$$$$$ is to turn off the CDMA system and those of us who are hanging on to CDMA will have to take the phones and plans that the big T is to make available?

    This refers to the Gold Coast ant to seawards zone but probably applies beyond this area too.

    Thanks in advance.


    PS Off to have some dark choc now as it's good for me!!@!
    What could go wrong.......................

  2. #2

    Re: CDMA End Date?

    It's "about" 12 months away! Activation of CDMA was suspended early/mid March but "they" have had to activate some CDMA simply because they have nothing else that can service certain areas BUT one needs a big stick from a high level!

  3. #3

    Re: CDMA End Date?

    and I suspect they are down grading the cdma service. fishingg overnight at 3 hummock island in tassie and reception was very patchy and it was good.

  4. #4

    Re: CDMA End Date?


    I work in the bowen basin and cdma is great. I'm told I can't renew my plan with cdma and must now use nextg. They have no answers when i ask them why can't I use my phone until feb 2008.
    Feb 2008


  5. #5

    Re: CDMA End Date?

    Is there any truth ....???? or is it just a rumour that Bill Gates is interested in purchasing The CDMA network....I have heard this several times but its probably just crap...and secondly what is the difference between 3g and nextg???or is it the same thing ..

  6. #6

    Re: CDMA End Date?

    Same thing. It's just that the Telco 3 gets good advertising with the use of 3G and everyone thinks it's their system.

    With NextG no matter what the system it sounds like its newer and better than the others.

    It's a simply marketing ploy.

  7. #7

    Re: CDMA End Date?

    3G & NextG difference?

    Sort of the same thing but different Frequency, which basically restricts 3G coverage so good for those that have never been past the city limits

    For country use 3G is crap! CDMA depending on the terrain can push 60+ Km, GSM magically stops at 35Km, NextG is very limited with actual coverage, 3G for 90% of Australia is a joke.

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