Originally Posted by
I admire your passion, though do not agree with some of the views you hold.
Your swift dismissal of the Clynick et al research hits a little bit of a raw nerve with me though. It seems you are quite talented with your abilities to search the web and it is a shame you did not do this for Clynick.
A quick search would have demonstrated to you that this was a research project of a graduate student. To you, it may be a case of "Doh, the answers is obvious!", however the processes undertaken provides an exceptional learning experience for the student.
Find a question, formulate a hypothesis, construct a sampling design, collect data, manage data, statistical analysis of data, interpret data, and finally report those findings in a peer reviewed journal. This is not a simple process regardless of how simple the question and answer may seem to an outsiders perspective.
Tony Underwood was most likely the supervisor of this student during this project, hence his placement as the junior author.