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Thread: spottie mackeral Banned

  1. #1

    spottie mackeral Banned

    Hi all,

    Wondering peoples opinions on spottie mackeral. Personally I think they should be banned from commercail capture and rec anglers should have a bag of 1 and min size of 80cm and max of 90cm to conserve this species for the future it currently cops a hammering from both sides although ring netting was banned not enough I say.


  2. #2

    Re: spottie mackeral Banned

    On what data have you come to that conclusion on?

  3. #3

    Re: spottie mackeral Banned

    Do you know that they are still declining?
    Has the banning of ring netting not changed their future?

    This seems to be one of the few fish that are viable as the reports say that they bred quickly and will recover now that ring netting is banned.

  4. #4

    Re: spottie mackeral Banned

    The commercial only catch about half of there total allowable catch (140tn) the last 3 years average is about 65 tn and they have a in possesion limit of 150. As i read in fishin mag.

    Bag limit of 1 c'mon now thats a tad over the top don't you think.

    If people are saying there seems to be more around and of bigger size has got to be of the banning of ring netting. But they are pushing for the ban to be lifted because they can't catch their quota.

    For me personally i'd say leave it as is for a few more years and see how it pans out then have a review.

    It is good to see you are concerned but maybe to much.

    Avast ye matey!

  5. #5

    Re: spottie mackeral Banned

    Bag limit of 1!!! You're kiddin' yourself.

    Lets go all the way and make them a protected specie! LOL What an joke.

  6. #6

    Re: spottie mackeral Banned

    well there is a lot of meat on them and at that size do you really need more than one for your immediate family

    i dont know if they freeze well do they

  7. #7

    Re: spottie mackeral Banned

    Yeh oztrav they do freeze ok and I think they are we'll managed but it's April Fools Day and since there a much sought after species, myself included, i thought I would have got more bites than that but I guess thats why it's called fishing and not catching .

    Have fun all,

  8. #8

    Re: spottie mackeral Banned

    And They Taste Sensational..............................
    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Tempura Battered Mackeral Mmmmmmmmmmmmm

  9. #9

    Re: spottie mackeral Banned

    Hey Andrew, More bites here than in the bay mate..........

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