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Thread: Childers, info on the Isis river

  1. #1

    Childers, info on the Isis river

    Hi all,, is the Isis river fresh or salt near Childers... Can anyone give e some idea on what we should be targeting so i don't have take all my

    Thanks people


  2. #2

    Smile Re: Childers, info on the Isis river

    hey noel, i know the upper reaches are fresh me and a mate used to fish it heaps of jumbo catfish in there and quite a few big lungfish have caught the odd bass but they seem fairly scarce have you tried fishing the balancing weirs on the road to Bundy they have a good supply of bass yellow belly sleepy cod and snub nosed gar a very good spot for an afternoons fishing cheers for now ken

  3. #3

    Re: Childers, info on the Isis river

    thanks for that Ken,,, How far north of Childers is this balancing weirs mate???

    Thanks again


  4. #4

    Re: Childers, info on the Isis river

    the isis is salt all the way up to the wall then it is very brackish fresh, watch the rocks at the end of the salt, but you can be rewarded with some nice jack, great river to fish with nice deep sections ,sand flats, eddys ,rock bars ,gutters. bob h

  5. #5

    Re: Childers, info on the Isis river

    its been a while but i think it is around 10 to 15 ks north on the childers bunderberg rd you turn right into the channels just before the elliott river bridge then drive out as far as the track takes you it is only about 1k cheers and good fishing ken

  6. #6

    Re: Childers, info on the Isis river

    Thanks for the info people,,,,,,

    Happy easter!!


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