Gonorrhea Lectim - New Deadly Disease.
One should be thinking about thisseriously.
The Centre for DiseaseControl has issued awarning about a new virulent strain of this olddisease.
The disease is called "GonorrheaLectim." It's pronounced"Gonna re-electem" and it is a terrible and deadly ailment.
The disease iscontracted throughdangerous and high risk behaviour involving puttingyour cranium up yourrectum. Many victims contracted it in 2007.
Butnow most people, afterhaving been infected for the past few years,are starting to realizehow destructive this sickness is.
It's sad because Gonorrhea Lectim iseasily cured with a new drug just comingon the market called Votemout.
Most people in Queensland took the firstdose a couple of months ago but thesecond dose is due latenext year.
The real cure requires that you simply donot engage in suchbehaviour again; otherwise, it couldbecome permanent and eventuallywipe out all life as weknow it.