Two nuns and a mother supieror awaited entry at the pearly gates. Saint Peter told them, "I must ask each of you a question. If you get the answer right: lightening will flash, thunder will boom and the gates of Heaven will open." He then asked the first nun in line, "who was the first man?"
"That's easy, it was Adam," she replied."
Lightening flashed, thunder boomed and the gates of Heaven opened.
"Who was the first woman," Saint Peter asked the second nun.
"That's real easy too," she beamed. "It was Eve, of course."
Lightening flashed, thunder boomed and the gates of Heaven opened.
"Now since you are a mother superior, I'm required to ask you something a little more difficult," Saint Peter intoned. "What were Eve's first words to Adam?"
She said, "Gee, that is a hard one."
Lightening flashed, thunder boomed...and the gates of heaven opened.