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Thread: 5.2m fisher, anyone have one?

  1. #1

    5.2m fisher, anyone have one?

    Just picking the brains of fellow ausfishers re: the 5.2m range of webster twin fishers. Does anyone have one of these? Anyone been on one. Any comments good or bad. I have read other posts about rippling in the aluminium underside. Any performance traits good or bad. I realize its not ever going to live up to the ride of glass cats. But am looking for a more stable platform, thats softer riding than a 5.2m allycraft kakkadu karrier. And drier as well. With enough fishing room and hull depth.


  2. #2

    Webster twin fisher 5.2 runabout

    what i meant to say was the webster twin fisher, 5.2m

  3. #3

    Re: 5.2m fisher, anyone have one?

    hey does anyone know hhow to modify original posts to fix up mistakes, cant seem to figure it out with this new setup


  4. #4

    Re: 5.2m fisher, anyone have one?

    I always go advanced when i am posting. When you post there should be an option at bottom right that says EDIT which allows you to change things.

    It works like I just said. EDIT appears at bottom right along with Quote!!!!

    Last edited by Mrs Ronnie H; 29-03-2007 at 08:45 AM.

  5. #5

    Re: 5.2m fisher, anyone have one?

    hi andrew, i have a 4.3 & would not part with it..go to fishnet & ask same question, there are a few owners there


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