Anyone who lives, or ever has intentions of visiting, anywhere from around Rockhampton to all places north, to fish, go boating, swim, wade in the water or use a vehicle, had better make sure you put in a submission to stop the following ridiculously stupid proposal.
The following extracts have been taken from the relative Qld Government website. Full information should be accessed by going to:
Quotes start:
38 Proximity to estuarine crocodiles
A person in control of a boat or vehicle must ensure the boat
or vehicle does not come within 10m of an estuarine crocodile
in the wild, unless the person has a reasonable excuse.
Example of a reasonable excuse—
a person in control of a boat is passing a crocodile in a river and the
distance between the crocodile and each bank of the river is less than
Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
39 Conduct in parts of protected area where estuarine
crocodiles are or may be present
(1) A person must not swim in a part of a protected area if a sign
in or near the part gives a warning, in whatever form, of the
possible presence of estuarine crocodiles.
Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(2) A person must not swim in a part of a protected area that the
person knows, or ought reasonably to know, is an area in
which estuarine crocodiles have been frequently sighted.
Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
(3) A person must not stand at or above knee-high in water in a
protected area that the person knows, or ought reasonably to
know, is water in which estuarine crocodiles normally live.
Maximum penalty—100 penalty units.
You are invited to comment on the draft estuarine crocodile conservation plan and management program. Written submissions should be made by 4 May 2007. These should be addressed to the Minister for Environment and Multiculturalism and sent to:
Estuarine Crocodile Conservation Plan
Wildlife Management and Education
Conservation Services
Environmental Protection Agency
PO Box 15155
Or e-mail:
Quotes end:
Please note that 1 penalty unit = $75 which makes the above fines $7,500 max.
Also, it’s my understanding from a phone call to the EPA, a “protected area” could be around 20 or so area descriptions including National Parks, World Heritage Areas etc…etc… etc. Actually, the senior person I spoke with says she will have someone get back to me with answers to this & several of my questions which she couldn’t answer fully.
It really makes you wonder how this garbage ever gets past the Minister. But then again, this Minister is on record indicating that the problem is not increased number of crocs but the increased number of people in the crocs area – a case of lateral thinking? If this sort of c**p can emanate from a State Labor government, I hope Kevin Rudd can exert influence over his (soon to be) Ministry & not let them or the bureaucracy run amok.
At this stage it is my intention to lodge a submission to the effect that;
(a) Rogue crocodiles and those crocs located in areas inhabited by humans should be removed as soon as possible.
(b) Items 38 & 39 should be deleted entirely from the draft plan.
Please treat this matter seriously & lodge a submission before the May 4 expiry date.
Many thanks - Lou