Minister for Primary Industries and Fisheries
The Honourable Tim Mulherin
More than 80 per cent of Central Queensland's recreational fishers who catch and keep coral reef fin fish or Spanish mackerel are continuing to ignore a Fisheries Act requirement to remove a pectoral fin, Minister for Primary Industries Tim Mulherin said today.
Mr Mulherin said the pectoral fin removal was introduced more than three years ago to deter the unregulated black market sales of coral reef fin fish and Spanish mackerel onto the open market by recreational anglers.
"Reports I'm getting from Queensland Boating and Fisheries Patrol officers in Mackay and Yeppoon is that recreational fishers are treating the pectoral fin removal issue as a joke," Mr Mulherin said.
"After three years, the educational phase has certainly reached its use-by date and patrol officers will be issuing pectoral fin infringement notices that range from $150 for one fish and up to $375 for four fish.
"Failure to remove the pectoral fin from a catch of more than four fish may result in a Magistrat's Court appearance."
Mr Mulherin said during a routine patrol of the offshore islands adjacent to Mackay on the March 10-11 weekend, for every 10 recreational fishing boats that were inspected, eight boats would have fish in their possession with the pectoral fin intact.
"Recreational anglers in the Capricorn Coast region should expect a similar approach to the non-compliance," he said.
"No doubt there will be some very cranky anglers around in the next few weeks, but it has to stop."
"The legislation was enacted to combat black market sales and ensure the livelihood of licensed commercial fishers and the need to protect our fish stocks from unregulated exploitation."
However, Mr Mulherin said that there were exceptions to the non-compliance with reports from Gladstone patrol officers that a media campaign initiated in October last year about the removal of pectoral fin from coral reef fin fish had been extremely successful.
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