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Accidents do happen
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Thread: Accidents do happen

  1. #1

    Accidents do happen

    Well what can you say another beautiful day on the water or so i thought.We started out early 5.00am with 10 yearold in tow heading to Jacobs well to put the boat in,first trip there for the little one all excited .Things were busy from the start too many boats for my liking wont be going there on a week end again ,so off we went up near the mouth had a little fish caught nothing moved on to a little place that we know of for a quite fish flicking a few lures. Found a nice tree to have a play under and oops misjudged bigtime and caught the tree thats ok go in to retrieve the lure and the boat shifts and i start to go over and yes guess what i grab the lure ouch that hurt. I couldnt get it out so we tracked back to Jacobs well got the boat out and went looking for a Doc ,ended up in Beenliegh ??? found medical centre Doc couldnt fix this one jabed me with happy drugs and sent me to Logan Hospital with boat in tow. Rocked on up to the ER got many Giggles i was happy and then they jabed me with more goodies and cut then pushed the lure out . All in a Days Fishing it hasnt put me off one bit.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Premium Member kingtin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: Accidents do happen

    just one of those days eh?

    Mate, if you want to get away from the ramp rage at Jacob's, then give Rudy Maas a go. It'll cost you 9 bucks but saves you worrying about someone nicking the rollers off your trailer or breaking into your car. If it's ever busy, (rarely) they even help you trailer your boat


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  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member geoff72's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Accidents do happen

    had a similar thing with the lure stuck in my fingers,drove to the quackers,jabbed me a few times with a local,couldnt pull it out still,so grabbed a knife made a small cut and out she came.
    like kingtin said try rudy maars,good spot.
    If i could get paid the same to fish, sorry boss but i ......!

  4. #4

    Re: Accidents do happen

    does that mean you caught a fathead.. er flathead. lol

    just kiddin'..... who did the driving SeaHorse with all the happy gas in ya. Hope it wasn't the little 'un.

    c'mon, take the bait....

  5. #5
    Ausfish Silver Member Taipan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Accidents do happen

    Should have just done what my mate did, I must say I did call him a $#%&head. He just grabbed the treble with pliers and pulled it out. LOL took him a good 5 minutes and quite a few choice words

  6. #6

    Re: Accidents do happen

    Just snap the barbs off.
    Hooks come out pretty easy then. I learnt the hard way

  7. #7

    Re: Accidents do happen

    my hubby did the driving and i will be going barbless for awhile wee will be back out this weekend up the coast.Finger healing fine.

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