Launched my new (second-hand) boat today, which ended with an engine fire 10min into the test run. It's a 16' runabout with a 1993 Johnson 150hp Fastrike outboard.
Apparently the boat has seen very little use in the last 12 months, and it looked ok when i inspected it.
Before launching it, i ran the motor a couple minutes and noted that the telltail was passing a reasonable amount of water (straight and steady), which looked ok to me. So I decided it was ok to proceed with a run. I did notice that the tachometer was not working however, and put it down to a faulty gauge.
After a quick 3-5 minute run, the engine cut-out on me and smoke billowed out the cowl. I immediately turned the ignition off and used an extinguisher. It smelt like an electrical fire. Got a tow back by the Maritime.
I later checked the motor and noticed that the regulator was severely cooked, and it has spewed plastic over the surrounding harnesses. I noticed that the red wire leading from the regulator to the positive on the motor was totally burnt and cut in half.
Anybody know what could have caused this to happen?
The motor sounding sweet and didn't miss a beat while it was running.
I checked the underside of the regulator and it seemed to have just the usual traces of salt, and not really corroded.
Do regulators depend on water cooling from the underside (fins) and how would you know if there is water flow to it, if the telltale seems to be flowing ok?
I've contacted the seller and will try sort something out, but in the meantime I need some info to go with.