I'm curious to hear any opinions regarding fish once bitten in half, can they still be kept if portion is under legal size which seems to happen a lot, and also does a half eaten fish count towards your possession limit, as some sharks tend to leave a fair portion sometimes that doesn't make the legle size.
I ask this as for years i have kept big pieces of fish that didn't make the grade that i may have been prosecuted over because there was agood feed left on them that would have been a waste to throw away.
You also have the other side of the equation - what if you have an oversize fish whether it be a barra, cod or flathead; can you keep the piece if it just makes it under the maximum size with the piece missing. What happens with mauled, protected species like groper or barramundi cod - would you have to throw back even though there's no chance of survival.
Cheers Samson