hi there!!
i have a quintrex 4.2 and its a tiller steer. as i spend a LOT of time in this boat, as does my sun wary girlfriend, so i have decided to get a canopy/bimni. after looking at the off the shelf items, i have concluded that they are a little restictive in thems of fishability and height.
having a good mate in the stainless industry has its bonuses however. i have asked him to make me a 'fixed' canopy top, that has two posts either side more foreword mounted, but still has the shade covering back a bit, if you know what i mean!!! it will also house 4 rocket launchers and have an arched canopy, of canvas. i have seen a few boats like this, with custom tops, however they were all center consoles.
i do a lot of standing when fishing so it will be high enough to walk under, and throw out enough shade fo half the boat.
will it look a bit silly having a tiller with a ceter console type canopy, and does anyone have any input/photos they care to share?? all coments taken on board! people who i have asked have paid upwards of $2000 for similar setup, but it will cost me nothing, hence the effort for small boat