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Thread: Boating and Fishing Codes

  1. #16

    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    [quote=finga;589812]Good one Brian,

    Another one is when your 18km off shore and you see a boat do a U-turn and then anchor 5m away...even if your drifting in their direction....find your own bloody spots and stay out of our drift


    I agree with you on all accounts except this one. Do you know how hard it is to predict the direction a boat is going to drift?? I understand your annoyance, but I also understand that few people will deliberately get in the way of someone's drift.

    Ros and reasen, I might not be interpreting you correctly, but this is how I have always understood it...... The preference is to pass each other on the side as if you were driving on a road in America. So keep right UNLESS you are in a situation such as in a small channel or where there is other traffic which would make it impracticle to pass on that side. So when you are uncertain of the intention of the boat coming toward you, you make an obvious correction to the side that is safest, regardless of the general rule to pass port side/starboard. If it still appears unsafe, come off the plane until danger of collision is passed. Now I will no doubt have someone find the actual rules somewhere from Dept Transport. I'm cool with that

    MTX - Brilliant!! You have definitely hit on a good code that we should all remember to do, and you are right, you can't see where you are reversing if the dude already down there has his headlights on full beam.


  2. #17

    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    As the skipper of the vessel it is OK to steal the bait your mate has just cut for himself

  3. #18
    Ausfish Platinum Member Steve B's Avatar
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    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    Heres one for the big long ramps such as awoonga. 3 or 4 cars can back down single file in 1 lane of the 2 lane ramp ready to launch/retrieve. Just leaving enough room for the bloke in the water on that lane to exit up the other lane. the next person in the cue simply fills the position available which ever side it is. This saves heaps of time waisted waiting for everyone to reverse down 1 by 1. Mind you, it scares the bloke at the bottom of the lane when he sees you reversing a boat straight at him!!

    It works in the bass tournaments where 50 to 60 boats can launch and retrieve in about 3/4 of hr.

    Oh yeah, someone said it earlier, turn off headlights when backing down ramp. They are only good for going forward!!!

  4. #19

    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    Also, for anyone who wants to add to this thread.

    It's good to air your stories of misfortune and grievances - and we really do seem passionate about slugging the jetski riders again and again, BUT once you have told us your story, can you make an obvious point to why you have shared that occurance with us? Try and keep to a dot point format so we easily recognise what it is you are trying to say..... Here's another few as an example
    • A person who obviously has a large fish on automatically gets right of way, even if you are at anchor - move!!
    • When on a charter boat and your line gets hopelessly tangled with someone elses, don't spend too long trying to untie a bird nest of fishing line, cut your line and re rig - Time is money wasted for the other guy.
    • All spoils of a day fishing is always evenly divided amoungst the crew, even the guy who didn't catch anything gets his fair share
    • Always offer to help the boat owner wash and unpack the boat afterwards ( if practicle)
    • If your deckie becomes seasick, try to help them to recover quickly. If that person has barfed more than 3 times, it's time to take them home if possible - dehidration takes a couple of days to get over.
    • On 27Mhz marine radio Channels 88, 90 and 91 are not general chat channels. If you want to chat to a mate, go to another channel such as 96. I don't know which apply on UHF because I don't have one
    Have I got enough to write a book yet??


  5. #20

    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    Another good rule is turn on your anchor light of a night time as it isn't easy to see boats in the dark of night.

  6. #21
    Ausfish Bronze Member stark's Avatar
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    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    Others include turning Off your nav lights (port & starboard running lights) when at anchor and make sure your anchor light is on.

    At night carry a large torch to supplement your anchor light if an approaching vessel is heading towards you.

    A 25kt rescue boat in bad weather may have a hard time seeing you at anchor.

    Even his radar may not show you at anchor. Use the torch!!


  7. #22
    Ausfish Platinum Member roz's Avatar
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    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    Quote Originally Posted by BilgeBoy View Post
    here is one that really gives me the Sheets!!

    There is no need to pass an anchored boat at full tilt within 5 meters!! Open ocean everywhere and they hook past close...Then they get a funny look on their face when you signal your anoyance Jet ski's are the worst!!!

    Hit the nail on the head BB, Jet skiers.... this is a bit savage, but they seem to have inflated egos and small brains.


  8. #23
    Ausfish Platinum Member roz's Avatar
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    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post

    Ros and reasen, I might not be interpreting you correctly, but this is how I have always understood it...... The preference is to pass each other on the side as if you were driving on a road in America. So keep right UNLESS you are in a situation such as in a small channel or where there is other traffic which would make it impracticle to pass on that side. So when you are uncertain of the intention of the boat coming toward you, you make an obvious correction to the side that is safest, regardless of the general rule to pass port side/starboard. If it still appears unsafe, come off the plane until danger of collision is passed. Now I will no doubt have someone find the actual rules somewhere from Dept Transport. I'm cool with that

    What I was trying to get across was.... in a situation where you have a narrow channel, one boat is travelling down stream and the other up stream, to pass safely each boat navigates to starboard (right) they will then pass each other on the port side (left), I thought that was in the boating rules, geeze I hope so !!!

    I've come across that situation a lot of times at 1770.

    I will double check though.



  9. #24
    Ausfish Silver Member sarg's Avatar
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    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    Hi all,

    • If your using someone else's rod floating pillies for mackeral make sure you back the drag off before putting the rod down.
    • And don't give people using other peoples rods the wrong info about not using rod holders

  10. #25

    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes


    When fishing mid week out wide DON"T fly up to a boat on anchor at his favourite spot, within ten meters, ping him on your GPS then piss off at full throttle. Hang around for the abuse!!

    If someone offers you, your misses, your two mates and that stinking dog a tow in the bribie passage- keep your word!! (Especially if that manure smelling dog ends up in his boat) If you offer beer don't do a runner. The bloke who tows you will wait at least half an hour on a hot day for a cold beer.

    Cheers Scott

  11. #26
    Ausfish Platinum Member ShaneC's Avatar
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    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    I have a couple, but I really hate it too when someone with ample room to give you a wide berth when you are in the middle of the bay screams past at flat knacker 10m away.

    1) When a stranger is kind enough to lend you their spare anchor and chain (and 50m of rope) because you have snagged and lost yours, BLOODY WELL RETURN IT!! At least give the correct phone number so the person who was nice enough to help you out can get their property back.

    2) At the boat ramp, keep little kiddies in the car or in the boat, they are too hard to see when reversing a boat.

    3) When you are fishing on a pontoon that is in place for the use of boats, wind your line in when a boat approaches. I understand that nobody owns the pontoons, but they ARE there for the boats to use, especially around ramps where there is no beach.

    4) The captain has the God given right to get a photo with the fish of the day, then two weeks later get ‘confused’ and claim it as his own!!!!! Finally… any lost fish, tangles, missed gaffs shots, bad knots, broken gear or minor hook inflicted injuries are due to deckie/s mistakes!! The captain has the right to impose blame upon anyone for any reason without explanation and his decision is final.

    In all seriousness though, I think #2 and #3 are very pertinent in the interests of safety and common courtesy, just had to add #4 for my own sake!!!



  12. #27

    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    This one always gets me. One boat in the ocean, one person in the boat hooked up to a really "BIG" fish that is peeling line off at a great rate of knots and then onlookers in other boats coming in for a closer look and getting too close. Could start another similar thread based on deckie fishing codes.
    Good thread Scalem.

    Last edited by Poodroo; 15-03-2007 at 06:58 AM.

  13. #28

    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    Quote Originally Posted by Scalem View Post

    What I was trying to get across was.... in a situation where you have a narrow channel, one boat is travelling down stream and the other up stream, to pass safely each boat navigates to starboard (right) they will then pass each other on the port side (left), I thought that was in the boating rules, geeze I hope so !!!

    I've come across that situation a lot of times at 1770.

    I will double check though.

    Well there's no chance of us crashing head in to each other, that's how I understand it!!


  14. #29
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    I've got a couple,
    Deckie always lifts the anchor/s
    Don't fish off a bridge in the middle of the channel, especially at night.
    Always think the person in the other boat has no idea of the rules/ codes.


  15. #30
    Ausfish Platinum Member STUIE63's Avatar
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    Re: Boating and Fishing Codes

    The captain is always right
    don't bring bananas in the boat
    leave hand held gps in bag

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