Hmmm...... Ok Dave..
Can you take it for a run at 4000rpm minimum, preferably at full throttle for say 15 minutes and observe the temp gauge activity?
See, when outboards have temp issues they become very apparent above 4000rpm as this is when the engine is producing big power and therefore big heat.
I'm keen to hear the results of the above test mate. I'm asuming 2000-2800 is sub-planing and is also a time of high load but not high revs. What boat is this on (sorry if you have already mentioned it) and is the cav plate more or less level with the bottom of the hull for a glass boat and the bottom of the extruded keel for an alloy boat? And while we are at it, what is your WOT rpm and what type of prop are you running (no. of blades, pitch)?
Its not much of a surprise that your water galleries were pretty clear. Merc and OMC typically had large water galleries and as such salting up happens a bit but not much. As opposed to Yamaha, which have lots of salting up issues when they get a bit of age on them.
I gather when you refitted the heads you flatted them off first on an emery sheet and fitted new head gaskets?