Ok guys.
After some serious help or fishing retraining. I am beginning to forget what it is like to catch a bloody fish.
I am happy to get the bread and butter stuff but would also like to catch more specialised species if they are available. Went fishing this morning (early) 4am in the canals at Palm Beach on the Gold Coast, trying to target shark. Took my Penn 220 GTO combo rigged with 20lb mono. Attached to that is 1100mm of nylon coated wire trace-80lb with 2 8/0 Hooks rigged 80mm apart. Used a whole mullet as bait and burlied with another mullet that was cubed. Was fishing the last of the out going tide. Not even a nibble. A 3.5 kg shark was caught in the same spot at 9pm that night.
My other rod Alvey 600bcxl and Butterworth Noreaster 2.45m rod running 6kg mono running sinker then 70cm of 20lb trace with #2?? long shank hook. Bait was strips of mullet and fish off cuts (weird choice maybe but I usually use yabbies). Had one bite after about 20 mins. It felt strong, thought it may have been a stingray but it seemed to kick too much. It threw the hook when I almost had it in. the rest of the morning not 1 bite.
Looking under the bridge near where i was fishin I saw 2 fair size Jacks a dozen bream with some you could throw a saddle on and a trevally.
Wot am I doin wrong??![]()