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Bream on th gold coast?
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Thread: Bream on th gold coast?

  1. #1

    Bream on th gold coast?

    I was just wondering if any locals/regulars can give me a few pionters on chasing bream in the broadwater or any canals.
    Its all new to me .
    cheers .

  2. #2

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    Anywhere where a creek meets the broadwater

    Scored 2 whiting, a flathead and a Bream yesterday on live Yabbies yesterday at the creek at the end of Oatlands Esp, biggera waters.

    What really made my day is I caught more than the other 3 people there, one was using frozen prawns and scores nothing, another was using plastics and scored zip, and the other guy got 1 whiting on beachworms.

    If U got a boat, U got it made, but there are fish to be had landbased here if you're persistent.

    Forget the Coomera river on the other side near the boat ramps, wasted 2 hours there yesterday before trying a couple of other spots before ending up at Biggera

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member TheSaint's Avatar
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    Are you fishing from a boat? what are you using to catch them e.g. lures, bait?

  4. #4
    Ausfish Bronze Member vb4me's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    Would love to be help you but my fishin has been that crap I dont think I could catch a cold in the middle of winter.

  5. #5

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    A few not-so-secrets for you, Bassjunky -

    Light line
    Minimal lead down on the hook
    Some sort of structure, whether it be a bridge, pylon, rock wall, reef, whatever

    They're there, and if you persist you'll find 'em

    Cheers, Calamari

  6. #6

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    yer try around some kind of structure there are heaps there mainly were the mangroves and where the water is a bit dirty also use dead or live herring about 5cm or so they love them. also use live hardy heads in the broard water my bro picked one up there a few weeks ago that went 36cm.

  7. #7

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    Hi Bassjunky,

    I am a local and i'll give youmy 2 cents worth.................i essentially fish exclusively for Bream in the canals around the Gold Coast my PB is 38cm.

    I release nearly everything i catch, too good a fighter to kill if you ask me.

    Winter is when they come into the system from the sea to breed, you will find things pick up around May-June. At this time of year its more difficult to get the big ones. Loads of tiddlers about. But good to hone your skills.

    7 foot light rod, 4-6lb braid, fireline or similar. 30cm 14lb Vanish leader between sinker and hook, no. 4 octopus or suicide hook, sinker running to swivel, size, 0, 1 or 2.

    I say 30cm of 14lb leader because i have been cut off several times with this gear when my bait has been taken by big fish that have cut me off. You will still catch the smaller fish just fine, if you are worried try a 10 or 12lb leader. I just think its good to be in with a chance should a monster take your bait, it does happen and you want to be in with every chance.

    Good drag on your reel.

    Best time to fish - night time (less boat traffic and lower noise in general)

    Tides - i find anytime the tide is running, in or out i have not found a preference. Still water between tides, i rarely bother

    Bait - they are scavengers and will eat pactically anything. My favorite is Bread. A pudding mix made from bread, parmesan cheese, garlic, sardines and aniseed essence. I have posted the recepie here somewhere.

    I would only ever use prawns or other types of bait if i thought by catches of other decent fish were a possibility. Why feed them prawns if they will happily eat dough (much cheaper).

    Locations - any bridge, any pontoon, any other structure, rock walls, under moored boats, in mangroves.

    They can be fickle taking bait at times and will often mouth the bait and if they feel resistance will drop it. You will get the hang of it quickly.

    Like i said, Winter is the time, be patient and in June you will notice some huge ones about.

    Good luck, great fighters the big ones....................GCL

  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    Yep, follow Gold Coast Local's advice. I have tried the dough mix of his, and once you get it right its good stuff ( smells like s.... tho). He knows what he is on about. I would also suggest you take a chicken breast. It's cheap, and bream love it. If you want soak it in tuna oil, but i have found that doesnt make much of a difference. It stays on the hook longer and beats the pickers. Just slice it and thread long pieces like squid/ worms.
    I was up the gregory river last month and the chicken was nailing bream 30+cm all day. Not a touch on the pillies.

    Chicken has been consistent for me last winter around redcliffe/ shorncliffe ( i live northside). and also GC area. The dough of GC local works best at the GC for some reason.
    As for spots... bridges, pylons, anything with flow and rock. Next to seaworld seems to be ok. Unfortunately now days it might be best to take a fishing buddy at night. Best time for bream, worst time for people wanting to fight.

    Does anyone else use chicken for bream??

    Hope this helps a bit

    Cheers Rob.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Bronze Member vb4me's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    I have heard of people using chicken breast for years and have used it myself at times with mixed success.
    Since when do small fish (bream whiting and flatties) get the chance to eat a chook

  10. #10
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    yeh, i Know. Of all baits! but i never go bream fishing without chicken.It also works well on cod! Dont ask me why.. Its not like chicken swim around. Must be the smell? Ours is not to ask why, but to accept that it is so. Then again, people are catching lots of fish on SP's.. Since when did plastic live in the water?

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member geoff72's Avatar
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    Sep 2006

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    threw some KFC in a canal around a flowing pipe on the goldy and a monster bream hammered it,would be a nice tatse to him i reckon.heheh, even the bone got taken by other big bream.
    If i could get paid the same to fish, sorry boss but i ......!

  12. #12

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    threw some KFC in
    AHHHHHHHHH Not KFC.. To Yummy LOL..

    Theres Nothing like a good days fishing.

  13. #13

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    TheSaint, landbased off the rocks, using size 4 long shank hook and live yabbies pumped from tally creek earlier in the day

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    You've won me I'll be taken some breast out next breamin trip.
    on the fighting thing isnt it a mazing how things have changed in the last few years.

  15. #15

    Re: Bream on th gold coast?

    Mate nerang river + chicken breast = monster bream you cannot go wrong

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