Can anybody tell me if we are allowed to flush motors?, it said on the news we can no longer wash boats, im really peeved when you think that swanbank didnt need to be going these last 12 months sucking up water.
Can anybody tell me if we are allowed to flush motors?, it said on the news we can no longer wash boats, im really peeved when you think that swanbank didnt need to be going these last 12 months sucking up water.
it said on the news you couldnt was boats or cars, but could wash their engines.
I wouldnt imagine they would stop people from flushing their engines. I do my best by reusing the water in my flush bucket a few times.
You can still go to your local commercial car wash.
One $2 coin is ample time to wash down my tinny as well as the back of the ute.
All I have to do at home is flush the engine (collect rain water in a 200 litre barrel) and clean the fishing gear.
It's a great state of affairs. We're coping all this from a bunch of incompetents who have done nothing about water infrastructure while the population just kept on increasing.
Yes I know there's a drought but if our government governed instead of playing politics we would not be in such a situation.
Last edited by Luc; 09-03-2007 at 07:34 PM.
I was born in brisbane and in the days before wivenhoe dam all we had was somerset and you could sprinkle your lawn ect and i never heard of any shortage, whats changed??.
"There will be further restrictions on outdoor watering, with only two days of bucket watering permitted. Odd-numbered premises will be able to water between 4am and 8 am on Thursday and Saturday, and even-numbered premises between 4am and 8am on Friday and Sunday only.
Residents will also be banned from washing vehicles, caravans or boats, although
windscreens and side mirrors may be washed using a bucket only."
How ridiculous..I cannot wash cars or boats yet people are still allowed to waste water on bloody gardens..if they had planted natives there is no need to water..banning of watering gardens should have happened at the start.
and water charges will go up by 147%..Nosowrty says because of the cost of the infrastructure...what a load of crap..Pathetic Beattie should have started this years ago...but then again...when has a Labor Govt ever put decent infrastructure in place. It is now time Beattie...pipe laying from one end and also from the other...24 hours a day on the project...get the recycled water pipe in more BS studies and any other the bloody thing..I want to wash my cars when I want..and using a hose...not some primitive method..looks like Beattie ie sending us into the dark ages.
"The Water Commission yesterday released new figures showing southeast Queensland would have only half the water supply at the end of 2008 of what was previously expected."..that just shows that the water commission is obviously totally incompetent..there were put there to keep track of the water and now they admit they had it wrong from the start..sack em.
I'm pretty sure that 10 years ago, when the dams were full, that if the govt said they wanted to spend millions of your money on water pipelines , recycling and desalination plants there would have been an uproar. It's a pretty big ask (impossible) to predict the weather 5-10 years in advance.
get real Hamish...ever heard of Wolfdene dam..the one that during an election campaign, one Wayne Goss said he would can the idea if elected..well he was elected and he canned the dam...well done Goss.
I am furious over this crap...the Govts all state that they are financial wizards at budget time...huge surpluses...especially Qld and WA with the massive mineral royalties they are enjoying...I want them to tell us where the money is/has gone...there are bugger all extra police, teachers, hospital beds and staff and water infrastructure. Where is the money???? IN Qld we have seen the problems emerge with Energex then Health then dams and still stuff all done on any of them...all just band aid solutions while cheesy grin smiles every time a camera is pointed in his direction and prattles on with crap the end of the day...the man is a disgrace.
Couldn't agree more!!
But on another note - I thought I heard on the early news (the one before 5pm - the benefits of being at Uni - again) that flushing of inboards and outboards would still be allowed under level 5. Flushing the motors in bins isnt really an option for those who have larger than usual outboards - or foil attachments or do they make REALLY big bins?
Alternatively - you could live in Redlands where we are still currently under level 2 restrictions - not to be reviewed until present water levels go under 55%. So my car and boat can stay clean a little while longer. (Now I just got to find someone who will actually wash them) Sorry guys - not trying to rub it in!
Last edited by Adamy; 09-03-2007 at 08:31 PM.
This is a very fair point!! all that money from the minerals boom and whats different?, health is a shambles, education is not getting it, police numbers still low!, so wheres the upside? wheres the cash gone.?
I was told that regardless of the level, there was a category that allowed you to use water under "safety" provisions.
ie: to wash off brake discs/drums so that they don't rust or become "Unsafe"
I have never thought of this as a "loophole" , but thought 15-30 secs of hosing the wheels and brakes of the car and trailer as being "Safety conscious".
does anyone know about "Safety" provisions?
Finally, finally, finally, all are becoming aware and subjected to the circular logic applied by public servants. It's even on TV. Never thought that I would see the day of a public parade of such idiocy. 147%! - fill out forms if your useage is just a bit above the average - get fined - get spied upon and listen to those phrases that end in or begin with , 'At the end of the day', 'Empasize the positive' or 'User pay solution'.
In fairness to the person appointed by the government we should remember that the responses have been conditioned by, probably, a life time's exposure to thinking that the solution to all problems is to blame and shame the citizens and make them pay. It would not be acceptable for any public servant to say that there has been an almighty cockup by them or by Government, that they are sorry and will you please do your best to help out until it rains again?
When it does rain our water woes will disappear but you can bet that our financial woes will not. An empire will be built on this problem.
Can we still wash our little white fluffy dogs?![]()
you can still flush motors with level 5 restrictions
Thank God for that, Gelsec. But what about the little doggies - it's pretty easy to power wash the cat by shoving it in the toilet, slamming the lid and pushing the flush button several times but the dog just won't fit.