I have taken a different tack on this when you asked for the " all round ".
Apart from the actual fishing point of view, the All Rounder to me is the person that, makes their own rods, crafts their own lures, catches their own bait, can relay the fishing event to others, take photos of the events, fillets fish and presents that cooked fish to the family for a great nosh up. Go further in making berley, finding new territory, fish landbased or boat, fresh and salt water, fly, lure, slug, jig, plastic, livies, trolling, spearing. Throwing a cast net, baitjigging, pulling beach worms, diggin pippies and the list can go on.
Pulling down a reel and servicing it, service the motor on the boat, service the trailer. making a piece of fishing equipment that you just cannot buy in a shop.
Reading charts, understanding the rules, knowing tides, moons.
I call them the ' Complete Angler ".
Nothing beats building your own rod, throwing your own lures from a boat you built ( buy hull, add motor, floor, electrics etc etc ) and landing a target species in a new area.
Don't get me started Rob.......... I could be here for hours.