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Thread: north pine dam

  1. #1

    north pine dam

    going there for the first time this friday night wat can i expect how do i get there and where can i park my car should i use lures or bait


    live on the gt-ho falcon

  2. #2

    Re: north pine dam

    Reaction baits are good mate, with jackalls a stand out, also a stand out price around 25 bucks at most places. Lately we have been using slugs out there and doing really well and there much better priced, spinner baits at the dam wall also seem to do pretty well so might be worth grabbing 1. Caught 13 in 2 hours last week using slugs, and first 2 casts resulted in 2 fish. I would start at Mcgavins view always a good starting point. Its a recreational area so you can park up top and just walk down.



  3. #3

    Re: north pine dam

    Watch out for the security guards, fishing is only allowed during day light hours, and they police it.

  4. #4

    Re: north pine dam

    thanx guys i have afew jackalls so will give it a try
    live on the gt-ho falcon

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