Things are going well, any day that you wakeup is a good day. Things could have been a lot diferent.
No problem with getting out of chairs or bed since a few days after the op, have a waterbed, and been in it since 2 weeks from the op. Fairly lucky as I was not overweight and was fairly fit at the time of the heart attack. Have lost 5 kg since the op so am now at the bottom to mid range for my height.
Feel very good considering what the body has been through. Just can't quite do as much as I could before but on the treadmill a couple of times a day, cutting stickers, packing a few orders, etc. Just doing it over a longer time period than before.
Assume that most of my damage was done years ago when I was a sales rep, state manager then national sales manager. Lead a pretty hard life in those days, eating out 3 to 4 nights a week, drinking, smoking, etc, etc. Even though I gave up smoking and joined the gym over 4 years ago it seems it was too late, the bulk of the damage was done. Then it was just a slow build up from then. I had a 100%, 80%, 60% and 50% blockage.
My colesterol was high and I didn't do anything about it, drug wise, just changed my diet, exersise, gave up smoking, gave up drinking 3.5l of Ice break a day, etc. but that obviously was too little too late. Can oly imagine what would have happened if I didn't cange all that.
According to the doctors I had already had a heart attack some time ago but just did't know it but it showed up on the tests.
If you have not had your colesterol checked lately I would suggest you make an appointment with your docor today and get it done. Not everyone gets a warning/second chance like I did.