If I was the young fella who was fined I would not pay it and plead not guilty in court. Let the magistrate make a ruling. The rules clearly state that we are required to carry one jacket for each person on board. He had that, the cop was totally wrong. I feel very confident this would be thrown out of court, and I would try it on.
Hey fellas go easy on the "copper "slanging the original post said it was one of those maritime cowboys. The boys in blue down here on the water are not that bad and I reckon are fair and reasonable.
That's fair comment too Tom.
I think I read in another thread that you are a Police Officer. If so, what are your thoughts on this thread Tom? Do you feel the maritime boys were out of line, or wrong? What would the water police have done, would they have booked the young man?
Cheers and thanks
If there is one thing I've learned after twenty odd years in the cops is that there are two sides to every story. This one we have not even heard the story first hand. But in saying that and if what was posted first is correct I would be writing a letter to the infringement processing bureau outlining the circumstances of what went on, they in turn will have to get in contact with the BSO ( boating services officer) to get his version then they will make a decision. Failing that the only other alternative is to have the matter heard in court.
As for how would the Water Police have handled it I really can't give you a difinitive answer as all matters have many variables. I will give you one tip though sometimes it all comes down to attitude.
Thanks Tom. Wise words I think.
how did he go?
To anyone with a modicum of common sense he complied with the requirement to have a LJ for everyone on board. Hope he contested it.
Sounds a bit like a report here a while back where somebody got nailed for having his offshore water/person in a bottle as ice. Would have contested that myself.
Sometimes these things revolve round the 'victim's' behaviour/attitude getting up the 'authority's/cop's'' snout at the time, but often this sort of job attracts a number of people with a pedantic, 'poker up the arse' approach to their fellow human beings.