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Thread: Level 5 No boat flush

  1. #1

    Level 5 No boat flush

    It is most likely that flushing of Outboards will not be permitted when we go to level 5. Not allowed in NSW or Victoria even at Level 4.
    This will put the argument to rest about whether flushing is even needed if the motor is used regularly. Built up salt should dissovle in water during each use.
    Suppose all those panic merchants can flood up to Caloundra and use up the abundance of Baroon water... Might teach the Water Wallies up there a thing or two about the value of water when it runs out.

  2. #2

    Re: Level 5 No boat flush

    "Most likely" isn't good enough IMO
    Let's wait and see the full rules of Level 5, then let's speculate how and why we use water.
    Show me the Snapper!

  3. #3

    Re: Level 5 No boat flush

    But you can still use the kids bath water, shower water.
    Collect that, stick it in your flush tank, that's twice.
    And when your done with flushing, atatch the gurnie to the flush tank, and hose of boat and trailer.

    And when finally done, let the water loose on the lawn.
    Easy to use water four times.

    Been doing that for 18 months now, it's boring but not wasting water.

  4. #4

    Re: Level 5 No boat flush

    Yeh and Tarong power station can use 40 -70 Million litres per day and all they do is boil it and send it into the sky.

  5. #5

    Re: Level 5 No boat flush

    Quote Originally Posted by SgBFish View Post
    Yeh and Tarong power station can use 40 -70 Million litres per day and all they do is boil it and send it into the sky.
    Ah, yes. But if the water vapour from the power station didn't go into the sky how would our A/C's work?? Not by me on a peddle generator like Freddy Flinstone I hope.
    Remember one of the laws of physics...what goes up must come down so sooner or later the vapour has to come back down somehow, somewhere.
    I put in a few 200l blue drums to catch some water seeing I can't get a tank for awhile. No problems then no matter what levels are in.
    The little tinny doesn't need much to keep spick and span.
    Last edited by finga; 05-03-2007 at 09:57 AM.

  6. #6

    Re: Level 5 No boat flush

    I have a 5000 litre tank. All paid for by the government. I use that to flush and clean the boat. Bloody beauty. The tank is 85% full most of the time.

  7. #7

    Re: Level 5 No boat flush

    Saw some collapsible 350 litre flush bags in BCF at the weekend for $50. They're not as good as the heavy canvas one I bought when I had the little tinny (no hose fittings etc), and probably a bit more flimsy, but much cheaper and might be worth it if it comes to that.

    I always take a 10l bucket in the shower to catch the water while it's warming up. After a week or do of decanting into the flush bag that should fill it enough
    the give the motor a run.

    Good luck,

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