Well the much anticipated event for '07 for the Ausfish explorers has finally happened and what a time we had. It all began with an idea and was well organized and implemented by our great organizer Lucky_Phill so once again a huge thanks on behalf of everyone who attended for the amount of work that was put into the trip. I thought I would get the post started same day because I just couldn't wait until tomorrow.![]()
The weekend started with all vehicles packed and on their way with a view to set up camp as early as possible so we could get more 4wd'ing time. Meeting time was roughly 10am at Mt.Mee and I have to say that considering most of us came from different directions we all seemed to be close to the time and were busy setting up camp. For me personally my day started with Cruiser93 (Mal & Family) meeting at my place and following me to our first meet up point being the Caltex servo at Carseldine where we were joined by Black_Rat (Damo) and Igutso (Mike&Bec). Setting off from there at a little after 9am we arrived at Mt.Mee just after 10am and the flurry of activity happened as soon as we arrived getting the camp set up in almost record time. Soon after Phill and crew turn up and organized the official campsite complete with Ausfish sign. Also arriving with Lucky_Phill and crew was The_Deckie (Paul and Liz) in his Navara AKA fuel sucking rocket.![]()
With the camp all set up we wasted no time in jumping in the cars and setting off on the first adventure. Loads of dust and some moderate to challenging hills were experienced but then we found "THE HILL" which was steep and all washed out. With fear in everyone's eyes we all watched in dismay as Phill (after having all of his passengers bail out) proceeded to send his "repaired" Navara up the hill crunching and grinding his way up slowly but surely. He did indeed make it all the way to the top and then left all the rest of the party shaking their heads mostly saying "That's mad, I am not going up there!" To show what Toyotas are made of Mal (Cruiser93) puts his Cruiser into gear and up he goes also with a full car load of passengers . Next thing Poodroo (Me) cranks life into his Pajero and selects low range and off he goes with son Kyle barracking excited chants. One word quickly came to mind as I started up the hill but I cannot type that word here beause this is a family site but you all get the idea.Whilst doing the insane climb I saw Phill running down the hill because he discovered a lovely not so well positioned rock in the middle of the track near the top and there was only one way to get over it and with his guidance I would pick the correct way to get over it. Misreading the hand signals I tried clearing it by going straight over the top only to hear that infamous crunch followed by an abrupt stop. Once momentum is halted on such a climb things get rather hairy especially when one has to reverse partially back down the hill. With some manouvering I was back on the climb and up and over the rock and made it to the top which I reckoned had to be worth 10 on the bragometer.
Not to be outdone I hear the noise of yet another vehicle doing the climb and to my surprise it was Damo (Black_Rat) coming up the hill. My guess is that he thought if a ratty Pajero can do it then so could his Navara.Crunch on the same rock I believe and exactly the same run he did but he also made it to the top.
After the hill we set for camp looking forward to some dinner and laughs over a camp fire and of course some drinks. What a great time and it just seemed to get better. Mal and family were only doing the day trip so before it got too late we said our goodbyes and he set the Cruiser up for the homeward journey. Late Saturday night another vehicle pulls up and all we could see in the fireglow was the reflective jacket on someone who looked rather official and we assumed it was the local ranger coming to check things out. Wrong, it was actually fellow Ausfisher Andy (Dirt_Dag) coming to say g'day. After some socializing he set off home and left the permenant campers to continue the good times.
After minimal sleep some rather sorry looking campers (not mentioning names at this point because the photos will tell all) got up for breakfast only to hear yet another vehicle pulling up. A huge surprise when we realized it was Pinhead (Greg) and his lovely wife Sue who decided to join us for breakfast. Some more laughs were had and once they left it was back into some serious offroad again. Mt. Mee will never be the same but we saw a lot of it and yes we had to do the big hill again for Brett1907's sakes seeing as he arrived late "AGAIN" and missed some of the action experienced by the on time crew earlier Saturday. We did not disappoint and once again Phill sends the Navara up a second time as did I in the Pajero followed by Brett in his Hilux.
With Sunday quickly drawing to a close we set off back to camp to pack up and take in the weekend that we shared. Everyone who turned up I think weren't disappointed. The kids all had a ball as well and the waterhole was a popular venue for them. Thanks to all who came to the first official M&G and hope we can do another one soon. Sorry Mike if I got in before you in putting the report up but I was putting in photos from the camera and thought I may as well keep going. Once again congratulations to Mike and Bec for your engagement. The cake was lovely thanks Phill and it even doubled up as a birthday cake for Pinhead when he turned up. Win win situation!!!!!![]()