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Thread: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

  1. #16

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    Good topic T1.
    I definitely have had a lot of fish lost with very scuffed leaders. This could be from the fish itself or bottom structure. I think that Squire fight pretty cleanly but Grassies, Cod, Trout and the occasional Tusky probably have not read the proper rules of engagement

    I have lost more fish through dodgy knots and hooks straightening than being definitively rubbed off.



  2. #17

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    I have had a lot of fish lost recently through line breaking, and i asked last week if anyone has some answers.
    Cheech and I fish together a fair bit and we have been having similiar results with bust offs.
    We both fish with drags set well below accepted levels ie 33% of breaking strain, so we are confident we are not over taxing the gear.
    We very rarely have knot failure, and in the rare cases it does happen I always regard such an event as "operator error" careless behaviour... well tied knots dont fail.
    The recent exception to this is a number of bimini knots have failed for both of us. Bimini are one of the few 100% strength knots and we tie them well , so this is a conundrum.
    Clean breaks in the leader can be eliminated as bite-offs(maybe),,, bad luck!
    Abrasion on the leader means contact with ,,,, something
    Breaks in the braid????? I suspect this is contact with structure, where we fish is mostly pretty flat rubble grounds so how does the line make contact with the bottom. As I said its got me buggered.
    But given that we dont overdo the drag, that the knots we tie will do the job, that the area is not particularly rough, how do i explain a well hooked fish ,on for several minutes, lost and a broken line. ???

  3. #18

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    Great responses guys!

    I probably didn't get my point across well in my original post but it was designed to get those who may not be as experienced as some of us thinking about what went wrong when it all falls apart... I personally just think that the term 'getting rubbed off' is overused but as DJBOYD stated earlier, 'you can't let the truth get in the way of a good story...'

    RANDO, i think part of our failures at the moment is TINN and i both have new braid. I'm not doing anything differently to what i normally do and that is tie a good reliable knot when joining braid and fluro. ADAMY suggested that the braid just has to soften a bit so i'm hoping that's the case! I lost 5 good fish today but only one to line/knot failure... Coincidentally, i did get 'rubbed off' on one (the other 3 spat hooks close to the boat).

    Take Care T
    home is where the loan is...
    Helping people get the RIGHT Home Loan

  4. #19

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    If you lost 5 good fish your not doing something right or not holding the mouth right.
    I've actually had big snapper head butt rocks or pinnacles trying to dislodge the hurt.

  5. #20

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    Here is one for you all ........ I was setting up a new outfit today & while trying to join 14lb braid to 50lb fluoro using a modified uni knot ...... I kept breaking the braid when tightening up the knot ...... Yes I had to use a fair bit of pressure on the knot to tightening it up ....... but I've never seen braid bust like this ... & not at the knot! ( .. its squidgy braid ... YUK!) ....... The only other thing I could put it down to was that I used a little Lanox on the reel just prior strange ! NAGG

  6. #21

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    Well I have been "broken off" arounds snags etc, particulary when using braid. It is sad fact that all that extra touch braid gives you means you can feel the rotten fishing take you round a log or snag quite well!

    As for rubbed off, dunno, I certainly have lost a few lures when in the excitement of the catch, I have cast straight back out without checking the line. Only to see in another 2 or 3 casts the lure sailing away with the leader parted in the middle! does that count?

  7. #22

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    Thought id chime in and show a pic of knot failure for those that canot diferentiate.

  8. #23

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    Fishing form the land where the angle of the line is less than on boats I have occasionally been rubbed off by the body or gills of the fish, I generally fish mono down to the hook and sometimes get back line which is frayed over a large length, I think you can occasionally feel the tail hitting the line, I guess thats what it is and once I feel that I know it is but a short time till the line goes slack and I lose my terminal tackle. Getting rubbed against rock/coral/submmerged branches with 6lb mono it is over pretty quick. You can tell knot failure generally by the curly end.

  9. #24

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    Quote Originally Posted by webby View Post
    If you lost 5 good fish your not doing something right or not holding the mouth right.
    I've actually had big snapper head butt rocks or pinnacles trying to dislodge the hurt.
    You're right WEBBY!

    Spit Hook 1 - on the phone
    Spit Hook 2 - did nothing dfifferent to what i'd normally do...
    Rub Off - on the phone (needed to apply hurt early)...
    Knot/Line failure - If it was a knot failure, then that is my fault but if it was line, hard to fix blame (knot failures are more difficult to tell when using braid...).
    Spit Hook 3 - see (2) above

    So perhaps i can take blame for 3 of the 5 above. With the spat hooks, i did have the jighead a little further into the SP that day and perhaps i should have used a 5/0 but hindsight is a wonderful thing!

    Nonetheless Brian, more than happy to take a lesson or 3 off you in the near future and i'ma more than capable deckie...

    Take Care T
    Last edited by T1; 05-03-2007 at 09:10 AM.
    home is where the loan is...
    Helping people get the RIGHT Home Loan

  10. #25

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    Quote Originally Posted by BLOOEY View Post
    Thought id chime in and show a pic of knot failure for those that canot diferentiate.
    I have noticed that the flouro leader still looks the same as mono when a knot fails, so much for it not having any memory eh?

  11. #26

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    Have had all of the above happen. I now tie a double in my braid so I know if the knot fails.

    Rub offs around fallen trees and snags targeting Jacks.
    Rub offs on pylons targeting trevors & Jacks under bridges.
    Spat hooks on a number of occasions and many locations.
    Bricked by things unkown.

    My mate had his mono 'bead' after a 2.5 hour fight chasing the hooked shark. The line finally broke!

    Clean bite offs repeatedly on line up to 15kg, still not sure what it was.

    AND a spectacular knot failure. Tried a new knot, went fishing with Geoff72 and threw my second cast. 'TING' and the SP just keeps going!! Geoff turned to say what a cast (It went a LONG way) and just started laughing at me standing there. I was just holding my rod at a funny angle looking at the double. I gave up for the day.

    So I think I know the difference now.


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  12. #27

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    It is all part of the fishing experience T1

  13. #28

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    Not sure where you all fish but up here in Townsville and the surrounding area, if you hook on to a salmon (threadfin) and your leader is less than 20lb, the sand-paper mouths that these fish have will rub you off before you land it. 40lb-plus nylon leader gives you a better chance of landing a threadie. Their lips are like sandpaper and when they leap and carry on your nylon gets a good rubbing

    Happy fishing

  14. #29

    Re: GETTING RUBBED OFF! Fact or Fiction?

    I have noticed that when using running sinkers, the line can get frayed just above the swivel, where the sinker "runs".

    I guess this means the sinker has a little burr, or irregularity, where the line hole is. And I guess this means I am a bit slack for not checking!

    I think that bust-offs can occur where this fraying weakens the line.

    I now check the last metre of line above the sinker from time to time. It's surprising how often I find it frayed, so I just cut it off and tie a new knot at the swivel. .....a bit of a bore - but a whole lot better than a bust off on the odd occasion that I hook a decent fish!

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