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Thread: Outboard wont go into gear?

  1. #1

    Outboard wont go into gear?

    HI all.

    My old johno for some reason wont go into gear, it broke the plastic thing that goes near the fly wheel, i got a new one but it wont click back all of a sudden?

    Is there some reason why? What should i look for? or try?

    I have pulled all the controls of it and tried it manually of the engine but it wont budge?

    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!



  2. #2

    Re: Outboard wont go into gear?

    hhhmmm 'you broke the plastic thing" not too sure what that is and wether it has anything to do with gear shifting, BUT, disconnect the control cable from the motor end and move the gear lever manually ( it will be quite firm to move) and see if gears are engaged (might have to turn the prop a bit while doing so) if it does trouble shoot controls/cables, if it does not you have gear box drama of some sort, let us know how you go and we can take it from there!

  3. #3

    Re: Outboard wont go into gear?

    Breaking that plastic thing, might be a clue that something is wrong in your gear box. But yeah try manuel selection first (after disconecting cables) if that don't work. Fun times ahead.

    So if it don't work, me first step would be to drain the gearbox oil and check that out, for nasties water, bits of metal and such. Then take it from there.

  4. #4

    Re: Outboard wont go into gear?

    Hi guys.

    Is it the lock out lever?

    It wont go into forward gear, it can move from neutrel to reverse and back but not forwards. I though it had somehting to do with the "3" shaped thing that the gear lever slides over which is just under the engine.

    Im sorry i have no idea of the names of outboard parts. THe plastic thing that broke was the lock out lever, i think.

    Its just to stiff to move for some reason? it was all working fine and going in and out of gear and then the lock out lever broke and it wouldnt do anything except reverse and neutral?

    Cheers and thanks for your help/
    Last edited by _Dan_; 02-03-2007 at 10:58 AM.

  5. #5

    Re: Outboard wont go into gear?

    Would still disconect all the linkages and try putting the gearbox in forward, just to be sure it ain't jamming down there first.

    If that's all free, with out being conected to the linkages, then while every thing is disconected, check full free travel of the cables and linkages from the control box.

    Maybe up in the helm control box, but I dought it otherwise the broken bit wouldn't be down the engine side of things.

  6. #6

    Re: Outboard wont go into gear?

    Thanks Rough,

    I disconected all the control cables from the engine and tried moving the gear lever on the side of the engine by hand, still nothing.

    Its just like it hits a spot and then stops. Like i said, i can move it into revers/neurtal. jsut not forward???

    Last edited by _Dan_; 02-03-2007 at 11:17 AM.

  7. #7

    Re: Outboard wont go into gear?

    Dan they rely on 100 year old clutch dog technology and can be hard to change when static, try Noel's idea or remove prop start it and try. Don't try too hard as things can bend and make for a tear down.

    good luck


  8. #8

    Re: Outboard wont go into gear?

    Dan, have you tried shifting with the motor running.?
    If no good might be time to pull that leg off, if it can't be moved while spinning the prop at the same time as trying to lift the gear lever.

    Buy a water pump kit as well, may as well change that over while your at it.

    Can you confirm, it's reverse prop should be locked solid, with crank. (maybe not sure on your model)

    Neatral, free spinning.

    Or forward prop locks one way, with crank makes a big clack if spun the other way.

    Guessing some how the selector shaft has come off or done something out of the ordinary.
    And yes those dog clutches can wear or bust something as well.

  9. #9

    Re: Outboard wont go into gear?

    Hi all.

    May thanks for this info.

    I havent tried it with the motor on as yet, will do today. I searched the net for info on the dog clutch etc and found out some useful info.

    I think i have it sussed out now. The lockout lever in my guess disengages the flywheel for the dog clutch to change the gears while running, as it broke maybe this caused it to jam??

    Will have a look this arvo and check it out., i am lot less concerned as i was before.

    thanks all for the help and i will let you know how i get on.



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