What does everyone use to prevent the dreaded seasickness ? I've found Travacarm (original in blue and white packet) is getting hard to get. Seems some pharmacies aren't stocking because the druggies like the pseudoephidrine in them.
What does everyone use to prevent the dreaded seasickness ? I've found Travacarm (original in blue and white packet) is getting hard to get. Seems some pharmacies aren't stocking because the druggies like the pseudoephidrine in them.
this subject comes up every few days, I have found the best is some sort of hard lollies especially anniseed types, and a lot of people who go out in the afternoon do not get sick, although they do in the mornings, I guess it is something to do with having a normal day and being fully "awake" also try to keep them moving, do not let them sit (in the sun) with their head lolling around or looking down undoing a tangle or something.
try Ginger Biscuits or similar. Works for morning sickness and apparently for sea sickness too. Let us all know how it goes if you do.
Try ginger of any type, lollies etc but must be real ginger, and do have something to eat, just small like toast and a cup of tea, when feeling ill try a vegemite sanger or something it will settle the stomach and stop the sick feeling
You can combine ginger with a cup of tea.
I have got onto these swisho teabags from Dilmah.
They are called "Masala Chai - Fiery Ceylon Spice"
If you're looking for them at the supermarket, the box measures about
130mm X 80mm X 70mm and is Oxblood in colour. (brownish-red)
They come in boxes of 20 teabags for about $5-
They contain: normal black tea, ginger, cardamom and peppermint.
They sure give the back of the throat a bit of a zing.
I love 'em and have a couple of cups a day at work.
The bite comes from the ginger, so I suppose they would be good for sea-sickness if you are a sufferer.
Cheers <extends pinkie whilst sipping hot cuppa>![]()
Ginger certainly flavoured the contents of the translucent white spew bags on the reef trip from Cairns. You could smell it all through the boat :-)
Avils dont go real good with beer, (teenage experience).
Sea-sickness is in your head, it's fear of the un-known.
Might not be the best cure,
but my oldest boy, Charlie ( neon 1991 ), USED to get sick, I had to come home one day on a comp day for him, not happy. He didn't come for a while after that.
The next time he came out, our comp day was called off because of inclement weather, but we went out anyway.
It may sound tough, but we went out into a very rough ocean, 20knt+ wind & 3 mtr swell, Ida & I were happy as, we were catching fish.
Poor old Charlie spewed, cried, begged to be taken home, nuh.
We didn't bring him home 'till 2.00pm.
Somewhere in the day, he realized that we were not scared & were having fun, despite the conditions.
I really believe the fear of what COULD happen makes newbies sick, it's a new world.
Several years on, he still has the odd sick day, usually when there are no fish to keep him busy,
but I have never given him a tablet.
If you suffer,
DONT drink excess alcohol the night before, have a good feed instead, pasta is good. Eat a light breakfast before you go, better if not too greasy.
Take a box of sakata bickies to munch on, if you feel a bit crook, EAT, it will soak up the juices in your guts & you WILL feel better.
If you feel crook, lean over the side & let rip, but then get back to the job of fishing, catching a fish will take your mind off feeling crook.
Just my opinion,
My mother in law puts cotton wool in ONE ear and swears by it. It sort of makes sense as it may interfere with the inner ear which is responsible for balance and plays a role in seasickness. Personally I think she'd be better off staying on land with the wife !!! ( and no I woud'nt say it to her face)![]()
is that the ear that is on the side you are one...might not have anything to do with sea sickness..might not want to listen to you. LOL
Luckily I have never had any form of travel sickness but people I know who do suffer from it use Kwells (sp) and they swear by them.
the only problem with kwel they make your mouth dry.
Cloud 9
then it realy gets ughly
Avomine - from the pharmacy.
This is a 24 hour drug, taken the night before going out. It then lasts a full 24 hours. It does make people sleepy, hence why it is taken at night.
If on a continuing cruise or extended fishing trip, you just take it each night a couple of hours before bed and it puts you to sleep then you are right the next day.
Fantastic stuff.
Ginger does work for some, but so does mint. Anything with real mint oil in it helps. (Ans yes, Minties do have mint oil in them).
Letme tell you, i can go out on the smoothest days and ralph all day.
I can go out on some of the roughest days and not look like being sick
I can go out some days and not be able to eat or drink.
Some days i will have smoko as soon as we stop.
Kwells, morning sickness tablets and the likes you can stick you know where.
I now have gone back to ginger tablets and they work a treat for me.
I think a lot of sea sickness is in your head.
I have a fear of the water as when i was a kid i was dragged out to sea by a rip when swimming and nearly drowned.
If you start being sick get it out and get back to fishing and get your mind off the sickness.
Do not look down at the deck and do not lean over as this upsets your balance.
I don't care how sick i get because i like fishing.
Spew to you all.
i also believe that sea sickness is a state of mind, sometimes when im rigging up my line i start to feel sick from looking down at the floor of the boat, when this happens i imediatly look up at the horizon and it goes away, i have never spewd out on the water even with a hangover, but the feeling of sea sickness is horrible! my advice, dont get on the piss the night before and when fishing try to keep your mind off the topic of feeling sick, it will go away. it always helps me to look at something stationary when feeling sick. this is just what i have learned from my experiences and everyone is different.
Mate, I reckon that the boys who reckon state of mind are on the money. Used to take a mate out wide regularly and he would spew without a doubt everytime. So one day we tried something different and made him skipper the boat so he was concentrating on something else, never spewed all day, caught heaps of fish and had a good one... They do reckon though sea sickness is due to the fluid in your ear, (like a spirit level they reckon), when its all over the place makes your body unhappy and you have a chunder.... so yeah I just reckon its in the head most times...... literally, maybe the cotton buds are the go!!!