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Thread: df140 not idleing

  1. #1

    df140 not idleing

    as above.

    good mate dropped his bmt into said sth side dealer for 100 hr service. when returned the motor does not idle. has been with said sth side dealer for three weeks with no result. motor is on a 23 ft rib used for diving.
    there are plenty of goos suzy techs on this board.

    what are your opinions????? please.

    can supply any info needed that may help.




    no bloody etec jokes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. #2

    Re: df140 not idleing

    Is there a little electronic motor, or solenoid, that assist with the idle RPM.
    If there is it may be stuffed, or disconected.

    If not don't know how many sensors these things have on them,
    Eg cold start jet.
    Water jacket temp Etc, may be any one of these sending a false or no reading.

    Are all plugs firing on idle.

  3. #3

    Re: df140 not idleing

    Then there could be one or two partially blocked injectors, may only need a clean.

    Could also check fuel pressure see how much is getting up there at idle,
    May have a slight air leak between fuel tank, fuel hose, fuel water seperator, and final filter.

  4. #4

    Re: df140 not idleing

    if you go to the suzy website and download the df 140 brocure it has a schematic layout for the electrics might help to locate the problem

  5. #5

    Re: df140 not idleing

    3 weeks! somehow I don't think the knowledge to tackle the job will magically appear from eyeing a it every now and then, although it is probably making a great learning platform for the techs as they throw darts at the manual for the next part to check.

    IMO time to take the fixing of the engine to others/manufacturer who know about the engine and have the ability to diagnose, they are complicated and parts are very costly so someone who knows what they are doing is the go I suspect.

    Also the more parts they pull/test/play-with the more potential for degrading the overall cleanness (newness) of the engine so more depreciation etc.

    cheers fnq

  6. #6

    Re: df140 not idleing

    go to a suzuki dealer that has an analyser that will talk to the suzi's ecu. that's pretty much going to tell you if any of the sensors and electrics are at fault, it may have some form of data logging that might give a clue to things not so electric. either way i wouldn't be wasting any more time with the workshop it's been at for 3 weeks.

  7. #7

    Re: df140 not idleing

    There's a bloke at Mango Hill, name escapes me for the moment, someone reading this thread will know, he's supposed to be good, also a Suzuki guy.

  8. #8

    Re: df140 not idleing

    Quote Originally Posted by peterreb View Post
    There's a bloke at Mango Hill, name escapes me for the moment, someone reading this thread will know, he's supposed to be good, also a Suzuki guy.
    his name is greame jeffers and his number is on the dealer list at the haines suzuki web site , he is good .

  9. #9

    Re: df140 not idleing

    cheers guys i'll pass the info on!!!

  10. #10
    Ausfish Silver Member GAD's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: df140 not idleing

    get a suzi dealer to look at it
    Give a man a fish and feed him for a day , teach a man to fish and feed him for life .

  11. #11

    Re: df140 not idleing

    Heres Graham and Kays phone number 0418740135. I have known them for quite a while now and they offer great service, were the cheapest on new suzukis by a long way, and he really knows his sh!t.
    Tell him that the Booker boys sent you.

    Cheers Liam
    PS Forgot his address, 9 Kinsellas Rd, Mango Hill
    Last edited by sbooker; 04-03-2007 at 04:23 PM.

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