Hey all. I finally managed to get out this morning and dust off the cobwebs after being O/S for the past few weeks.
Packed the new stick and armed witha few new Hb's hit it early.
Things started slow until I finally got my 1st hookup in close to the rocks. Looked to be something like a Tarpon, running hard before spitting the trebles. Not too sure as I've never landed one before.
Managed one Jack strike and enticed another one into peeking his head out.
Ended the morning with a little cod who put up a sluggish fight before being released. Pic attached.
Enjoyable little morning anyways. Good to be at it again.
I've also attatched a few pics of the Bass Pro shops in Vegas where I picked up a few specials including my new little stradic which I used this morning. Sweet reel.
This shop is attached to a Casino and is just massive, retailing in anything outdoors. Contains a rifle range, crossbow range, demo tank housing bass and other fish, golf store + range, dedicated fly fishing store and bass boats which are housed outside. When the yanks go big they really go big!