Given the controversy regarding the position of the Chair of the local branch (Brisbane South) and after some very careful consideration, I am thinking of closing the branch and declaring all positions vacant (well they wouldnt be vacant - they would be closed - uncontestable until the Party AGM).
In order to explain why this may be necessary I should provide you with some background and also some further insight regarding the Party’s constitution. I apologise if I am airing dirty laundry here, but given the circumstances I cant see any other options. Additionally I apologise for the length of this explanation.
When Shane resigned back before Christmas a special meeting was called by the executive in order to resolve the vacancy. I was called and asked to nominate, at first I said no then a very well known identity within the industry called me; one who I have known and respected most of my adult life and he asked me to consider the local Chair so in respect for this individual I agreed. I did not seek the position nor did I want it, I tried to do a ring-around to find another viable candidate. I agreed to take the position on the proviso that as soon as a viable candidate was found I would step aside.
At this stage it was assumed by the executive that Shane had no further interest in the party and would not even bother to attend the meeting. Imagine my/our surprise when Shane turned up, I was confused to say the least. Without divulging all the details of the meeting, it will suffice me to say that to me it seemed that Shane didn’t really want to let go of the Chair and I supposed in my mind that due to the numbers of members he bought with him that he would renominate and claim the position. Again imagine my surprise when the vote came up that he didn’t want to nominate (if he did – he had more than enough numbers there to claim the seat) and so I reluctantly stepped forward as I said I would and reiterated to the whole group that I would stand aside as soon as a viable (and willing) candidate became available. I was nominated and seconded uncontested.
After the chair nomination came the vacancy of the vice chair, which was left by the resignation of Mitch. No one would nominate for this position – or for the position of secretary – so with the resignation of other committee members, I was left holding the bag so to speak. So with those vacancies being unable to be filled on the night, my first act of the chair was to hold over any further nominations until the next meeting, which is yet to be called, I also informed the group that was gathered that if we were not able to fill the vacancies that I would then close the branch.
So that brings us to this point where I am the Chair of the local Branch - now on with some constitutional matters.
The constitution states that the purpose of the branches is to support the goals of TFPQ (which are available as the mission statement on the website). So as far as the local branches are concerned they are subject to the main organisation – they do not have goals independent of the main party.
Spokes person: section 8.1 of the party constitution states: “The (party) Chairman is the only person authorised spokesperson for the TFPQ including its sub-branches and any committees”.
So there it is in black and white (although the grammar isn’t very good) there is only 1 spokesperson for TFPQ and at present that’s Kevin Collins; Party Chairman. Further in section 14.1 it states: “Any member who disagrees with a policy or decision of the party shall remain wholly free to express and advocate their own views, except on occasions when they are communicating in a public capacity (such as Ausfish?) as a representative of the Party, in which event they may express their own views, but make it clear that they do not reflect those of the general membership of the Party”.
I have tried at all times to make it extremely clear, I have totally gone out of my way to make it clear to all and sundry that I do not make representations on behalf of the Party – EVER!!! However some people wont let this lie, they insist that all my representations reflect the party – which I insist they don’t as outlined within the constitution which I try at my utmost to abide by.
Lets analyse this for a moment: How many branches does the liberal party have in QLD?? How many branches does the Labor party have in QLD? I bet that no one here can give me a definitive and accurate answer (I know only the answer for one of them) let me tell you – it’s more than 1.
AND YET… who here knows who the local chairman of their local branch (who usually only meet with about 6-8 members) is? Have you ever heard of one of them representing their party or being a spokesperson for the party? NO!! Why? Because they too have a single spokesperson policy all branches and sub branches are subordinate to the State Branch – who then appoints the spokesperson – they only ever have 1 spokesperson at a time – well two actually 1 for the parliamentary party and another for to speak for the state executive.
The spokesperson for the State executive NEVER speaks for the parliamentary party and vice versa – they are almost two separate identities. When a Parliamentary member attends a local branch meeting – he/she is there as a member only, not the incumbent representative – he has no standing at that meeting.
Local branch Chairs are there as an internal position, they represent their members to the State executive and supply candidates, help suggest policy formation and generally help the party achieve the goals of the organisation. Local chairs in both Labor and Liberal are internal positions – same as TFPQ – they NEVER EVER speak for the party and NONE of their comments can be or are misconstrued as representing the party.
You wouldn’t expect from any other party what you have expected from my position. If you are not a member of my branch – then to you I am insignificant – NOTHING I say can possibly represent the Party – only the nominated chair of the State executive can do that. TFPQ has been modelled after the major parties and so we should justifiably expected to be treated like the major parties– we have a system in place and no one can go outside that system unless they want to leave the party. However IF you are a local Branch member I can help you and assist you and represent your interests to the STATE executive. I cant represent your interests outside that circle, it’s in the constitution, its registered with the ECQ –as far as I understand it – its LAW!
So back to closing the branch… With the controversy surrounding this issue I can (as section 11.1 dictates) no longer be “effective or capable of supporting the goals of TFPQ”. The constitution declares that if the branch can no longer do this, then that branch can be wound up.
So I find the branch at a cross roads – either people here let me try and achieve those goals and let me abide by the constitution (as you would any other branch of any other political party) – or I close the branch. This poll is an opportunity for you to have your say. The outcome of the poll will not determine my course of action, which will be decided between the State executive and myself.
If we decide to wind up the branch, then a meeting will be called and according to the constitution, the branch can either be wound up without further recourse or we can hold a vote and if there is 80% vote of attending members in favour of winding up the branch – then Brisbane south will be no more. (that decision will be made by the executive).
Make no mistake; this is not a power play or a threat as I never wanted the position in the first place. If the branch is wound up, it will not affect the work I do behind the scenes for the party but will leave me free to help and be more effective due to the fact that the people on this board who have made this position most difficult will be left with nothing to say. It will however have a significant impact on the election hopes of the Party and helping to identify local issues and find local candidates who may be worthy to represent the party at the ballot box. I am very sorry that a few bad apples may spoil the batch for every one.
So have your say… give me a spray – it may be your last opportunity.