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Thread: Southwind centre console

  1. #1

    Question Southwind centre console

    I am looking for some info on these boats made of alloy. It had a fibreglass anchor well. I looked at one that was supposed to be made somewhere in northern Queensland. A 4.95 metre, fully painted hull. It seemed to handle the chop in southern Moreton Bay quite well with a 60 HP two stroke. Any info would be appreciated.

  2. #2

    Re: Southwind centre console

    I think Finding Time owns a south wind but I also think its not alloy.

  3. #3

    Re: Southwind centre console

    I thought the Southwind range was all fibreglass?

  4. #4

    Re: Southwind centre console

    Mate I think the boat your talking is a "Northwind", Im pretty sure they are made in Cairns by Cairns Custom Craft and range from 5-12 meters. I remember seeing them when I lived in Cairns. Do a searce for Cairns Custom Craft and you will find them.


  5. #5

    Re: Southwind centre console

    Mate I think the boat your talking is a "Northwind", Im pretty sure they are made in Cairns by Cairns Custom Craft and range from 5-12 meters. I remember seeing them when I lived in Cairns. Do a search for Cairns Custom Craft and you will find them.


  6. #6

    Re: Southwind centre console

    oops.......... I must have developed a stutter

  7. #7

    Re: Southwind centre console

    There were a few Southwind pressed alloy boats but that was very short lived. I don't know who made them but the one I saw was a pretty typical example of a tinnie.

  8. #8

    Re: Southwind centre console

    southwind and then reborn as Southern star.
    both deceased, don't that tell you something about the boats??
    just look at the boat with a critical eye and you'll notice the top half on these boats are twisted for real.
    there mould maker cocked up the first 1 then all the others followed off that same base.
    cloud 9
    then it realy gets ughly

  9. #9

    Re: Southwind centre console

    The Southwind Alloys were rebadged. They might have been a Clark/Seahunter at the time I think.

    Ive seen a couple of centre consoles and cuddys around. The biggest was about 5.25m i think

  10. #10

    Thumbs up Re: Southwind centre console

    Quote Originally Posted by Cloud_9 View Post
    southwind and then reborn as Southern star.
    both deceased, don't that tell you something about the boats??
    just look at the boat with a critical eye and you'll notice the top half on these boats are twisted for real.
    there mould maker cocked up the first 1 then all the others followed off that same base.
    cloud 9
    I hate to disagree with a platinum member but my experience with a UB670 as a professional fisherman does not quantify your comment about the southwinds build quality.

  11. #11

    Re: Southwind centre console

    Thanks for the info fella's. The boat is definitely aluminium and the finish is excellent. The brand name is Southwind but the idea of a rename hadn't occured to me. Maybe some more info will follow.

  12. #12

    Re: Southwind centre console

    hi all
    I own and luv a southwind ub520 and hav never had any probs with it. I to can agree with the build quality as i think its a very high standard. Saying that I dont no or havnt heard anything but the southern star problems but would like to here any info ( Have they stopped making them ???? )

  13. #13

    Re: Southwind centre console

    Point of clarification fellas. I stuffed up. It looks like the brand is Southern Cross and the model might be called Southwind or SB495 as it says on the rego papers I just received. I'll try google for some clues. Thanks again for the tips.

  14. #14

    Re: Southwind centre console

    The people that took over after Southwind called themselves "Southern Star"

    But i thought they stopped doing alloy while it was still called Southwind.

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