PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 Been netting again - Page 5
Change the names of the fish from barra to salmon, muskie or walleye and the names of the places to Minnesota, Wisconsin, or the Columbia River and the names of the people from aborigionies to native Americans and you could read this exact same thread on a US fishing site. Darn near word for word except "mate" isn't used and our spelling and diction is probably way more much worser but.
You guys covered it pretty much from top to bottom and kept it pretty darn civil for such a hot-button topic. You're mellowing. Remember the Asian perriwinkle pickin' thread? Whooo-hoo-hoooo-HOOO!
There is one last thing I'd like to know though (just to needlessly drag things on and give everyone a headache )
Was this issue ever voted on in your legislature or is this the handy-work of an activist judge? Was this "right" granted in a courtroom or in your house of congress/parliament? It matters.
Activist judges are the bane of democracies. They usurp power from the other branches of government and pretty much kick the "checks and balances", put in place to ensure the trustworthiness of that government, right out of the window. A judge should NEVER, EVER make a law or grant a right. When he does, he stops being a judge---he's become a king. The authority to make law belongs exclusivley to the legislature.
I'm not from there so I don't know the "here's how it all happened." IF it was never voted on in parliament though, it should be. Then, you'd have a law
and not just an illegally enforced opinion of some jerk in a robe.
Be VERY careful about those types of judges. You can see what they're doing over here . (Trashing my country!)
O.K. now about those perriwinkle pickers......!
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.-- Mark Twain"
ec...a judge has the power to "read" into the legislation and determine how it should be applied under common law principles and also any other legal precedents...some of our politicians are not all that intelligent (that is why they are politicians...could not find a real job...but I know you have some like that Bush..LOL) The judiciary is NOT a branch of Govt..once it becomes that then the separation of powers are dissolved and democracy is dead.
It is here. Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches. The supreme court. And you're right, they have the power to "read into" legislation NOT make (draft) it.
Over here. The legislature drafts a bill, votes on it, and if ratified, passes it to the pres. He either signs it or vetos it. If he signs it, it gets sent for review to the supreme court. The court says if the signed bill is kosher with the constitution. If it is--bingo it's now a Law.
Quick American civics 101 lesson free of charge. LOL
The danger comes when a judge has a political axe to grind and makes a ruling based on his own feelings. Perfect example is the whole gay marriage thing that's going on. I'm not going to go into it because it's way off topic, but the reason why these "couples" went to court was to try and pull a fast one over on everyone. They went to the wackiest of wacky left wing judges and sued for the right to marry. He says "Sure, go ahead." The plan was simple--set a legal precedent in a lower court. Bypass the normal system of legislature-executive-judicial checks and balances. Like I said--to usurp their authority.
Very dangerous stuff. Very! They go after much more heavy issues than fish and gay marriage.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained.-- Mark Twain"
OK You want a fact! If indigenous people want to have a BBQ with a dewgong let them have it. I have a enough problems with the speed humps at woolies.hehehe, just joking.
These vegetarian sea elephants are pain in the ( bot bot ). But they do have the right to live just like all creatures.
signed tunaman
Last edited by Lucky_Phill; 04-03-2007 at 09:41 PM.