Seems a small enough file to upload is very hard to read
here is a link to a pdf of the same document
hope this works
Seems a small enough file to upload is very hard to read
here is a link to a pdf of the same document
hope this works
Thanks Mark I hope people read the article.
nuff said.
I also feel very strongly about this topic. I do agree the aboriginals should be able to fish by their traditional methods, how ever when it comes down to them using 6 and 8 boats at a time to drift net 2 beaches it becomes a joke. Down the south coast of NSW i have seen them come into shore with thousands of fish in the boats, if they had've taken them home to feed their people than fair enough, i saw them selling the fish to anyone who wanted to buy them, they were making a killing off it, that is not fair. I have also seen them bring the clyde river and moruya rivers to hold nothing but piddly little bream and snapper many times. These 2 rivers are now useless to me as a fishing spot as you do catch nothing. How is this fair? One rule for all i say!
Call the fisheries then JoshvL this isnt legal, if you catch people selling fish without a license they can and will prosecute. There is no use moaning here about it call the fisheries.
Unfortunately John, I have and they have done nothing. I used to work for Fisheries and have a few friends that work for DPI NSW and they even said to me they can't do anything about it. They also drift net the rivers late at night on a full moon, i've seen fisheries inspectors charge these people only for them to be doing it again a few weeks later.
Read the posted article
There have been charges that were later overturned on appeal mid 2006
I read the article and it doesnt say a hell of a lot here is a link to the court findings
They tried him for the use of the net which was found to be legal right or wrong in our minds it is legal ( I think it goes against what maintaining cultural traditions is because this should to be to maintain customs ie methods of fishing or hunting (spearing etc) and the access to traditional foods not otherwise available such as dugong,turtle meat etc old methods such as blocking creek mouths are obviously not going to be acceptable today a temporary blockage such as a net may be the only answer but only for family consumption based on a realistic family not some vague definition that allows 200 people to be related) , what they should have charged him with was selling the fish if he indeed was because I believe that is illegal
betcha the local pros dont mind at all
The Rainbowrunner
Peter Hansler
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Give a man a fish, he'll eat it and fall asleep.
Teach a man to fish and he'll endanger an entire species
Indiginous people (who didnt evolve here anyway just landed a few thousand years before others) are allowed to fish restricted areas and take restricted fish and crustations etc, even on water catchment areas (the ones for the drinking water) I you are caught in there just being there it is fines up to $5,000.
They can camp and do whatever they want as long as they say they are aboriginal.
Another interesting thing is that to be aboriginal you have to be accepted by the local indiginous people as be aboriginal ( you dont have to be a dark colour).
Get onto next door tell them your great grandaddy had a aboriginal girlfriend and you are the result twice removed and enjoy fishing where you want, no one can check if you are lying or not as there are no records.
Thats why the government always asks if you are on the forms. (I never say yeas or no or male female because it shouldnt matter)
Sad but true
Old indigneous mate went out again last nite and came back with chockaas with barra and most "whities" spend hundreds if not thousands trying to catch just one![]()
Two points,
1 surely going out every few days and coming home with barra is too much to feed even a big family (nobody can live on fish all the time) therefore they must be doing somthing else with this fish
2 why do some of his mates that go with him are as white as myself?
Sarg or anyone,
Can anyone name a populated country that at some time has not been taken over or conqured at some stage thoughout time/history, have a look at the UK for example and you will find it was conquored or invaded by almost every country in Europe, the same applies for Asia and the Americas. So should I know go back to the UK and claim traditional rights, as my family has been dated back to the 9th century, no.
Countries get conquered, customs and traditions evolve, that's the world we live in and I'm sure it won't change due to 'white man' taking over Gondwanna a few hundred years ago or other countries in the far off future.
To end my rant: It's a great country and we all need to look after it. Screw race, creed, colour, tradition, religion, one set of laws for all, set by the people.
You can acknowledge it, as you have done.... for my perspective, refer to my previous post. As I personally think you you are wrong. as ownership of the previous generational change has nothing to do with equality (being equal).
Our indiginous peoples, similar to the North American Indians (or correctly/prefferably known as 'First Nation') have the same choices as anyone else and in high proportion of situations they have easier, less costly access to those choices, again it is their choice. If they do not choose to utilise those choices, then don't cry foul. It's their choice.
Having spent several years working alongside / with, Canadian First Nation aboriginies (several are still very good mates), serving in the Aussie Army with Aboriginal mates and working in outback communities, my observations are that those that have moved on and accepted the changes and utilised the choices available have flourished both finacially and in life (they reckon they are happy), however, they still maintain a strong grasp of their culture, which is great and I learnt lots from them, (I even attended a Sweat Lodge). Those that sit back and whinge, indulge and constantly want hand outs go no where and probably never will. Just my observations and 4.5 cents.
Back to fishing, ice fishing is cool (literally), but my wife used to go fishing with the locals on the First Nation reservation where she taught and using C4 or TNT was apparently fairly common - great traditional!
Last edited by Fat Chilli; 02-03-2007 at 12:40 PM.
I havn't read the whole thread, I don't know if anyone has made this point but....
In Queensland, indiginous peoples are exempt from state fisheries laws in certain cases.
One example I can give.
A fish reserve in a national park that I often visit bans the taking of mud crabs.
The local indiginous peoples are exempt and ARE able to crab in this area.
But they have to be LOCAL indiginous people, not simply indiginous, they (the non locals) can however, gain permission from the local indiginous people to go into these protected areas and catch crab.
Basically indiginous people are not covered by the fisheries act in QLD.
NEWS FLASH! To all indiginous people. You take all you want. How can the people of australia stand in the way of a people that has looked after this country for over 60 thousands plus years. IMO. This thread is a disgrace.
signed tunaman
Last edited by tunaman; 03-03-2007 at 12:31 AM.
Why is it disgracefull to have an opinion, whether it be right or wrong in your eyes? You voice yours all the time.