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Thread: Been netting again

  1. #1

    Been netting again

    Well some the local indigneos folk came home last night with a huge swag of barra again from the Fitzroy River with their ring nets (they live beside my inlaws).

    I think it's utterly despicable that there aren't one law for all...

    Anybody else know where aboriginals or torres strait people are allowed to net anywhere they like without license or proscution??

  2. #2

    Re: Been netting again

    Bit sad isnt it.

  3. #3

    Re: Been netting again

    Who are the racist ones?
    Wayne D

    Hobie Revolution

  4. #4

    Re: Been netting again

    If some poor sod from fisheries took them to court, the magistrate/judge would simply dismiss the case as they were using traditional methods to catch a few fish for sustenance.

    It's poor form.


  5. #5

    Re: Been netting again

    Quote Originally Posted by Luc View Post
    If some poor sod from fisheries took them to court, the magistrate/judge would simply dismiss the case as they were using traditional methods to catch a few fish for sustenance.

    It's poor form.


    Absolutely. Here in Rockhampton, the fisheries DID confiscate their nets but and the magistrate DID give them their nets back basically paving the way for open slather.

    As if "traditional" methods of caching fish included the used of monofilament ring nets.

  6. #6

    Re: Been netting again

    Quote Originally Posted by laugag View Post

    As if "traditional" methods of caching fish included the used of monofilament ring nets.
    I agree mate - if aboriginals want to hunt in the traditional manner then they should have every right to do so but it must be done in a traditional manner. This means they make their own nets from native materials, use a boat without a motor etc etc. If they want to use modern hunting tools then the same rules should apply for all.

  7. #7

    Re: Been netting again

    More like a dugout or bark canoe, rock fish trap and spear !!!

  8. #8

    Re: Been netting again

    I beleive there was a similar episode in the NT where duggons were hunted with tinny's/outboards and rifles.

    Got thrown out of court as simply traditional hunting.

    If you gonna use modern tools, same rules for all.


  9. #9

    Re: Been netting again

    Yep gotta agree, took guts and hard work to paddle a bark canoe or whatever and take on something that weighed as much you do in its own element with your major piece of tackle a sharp stick.Indigenous people of any country knew more about conserving the environment than we realise,watching your kids die because you took too much last season will do that for you.

  10. #10

    Re: Been netting again

    hey gunnabuild1,
    Cry me a river !!!

  11. #11

    Re: Been netting again

    WOW the PC era is officaly over, it's been near 15 years since I have seen free speech in this area!

    I think it is wrong also, fat chance anything will change though!

    cheers fnq

  12. #12

    Re: Been netting again

    Yep I agree FNQCairns nothing will get done because if they did they would get called racist! Double standards and its pretty pathetic I think.
    Well thats my 2 cents worth.

  13. #13

    Re: Been netting again

    I have been watching this thread for a few days now, really did not want to get involved as i have some pretty strong fellings on the subject.
    I spent quite a bit of time up in the Gulf, up past Gove, across the top, into Darwin and down the coast almost to the WA border, did that run about 4 times over 8 months or so and saw many things that would blow a lot of you away.
    There are many places where you and i can not go without a special permit and a lot of things we are not allowed to do that others can.

    Won't say any more other than to say, Traditional fishing by TRADITIONAL MEANS ONLY, that is the only way, any other is totally wrong in my opinion.

    Sorry if i have upset anybody but after all we are entitled to voice our opinions aren't we?


  14. #14
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    Sep 2006
    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Been netting again

    Have to agree with the above sentiments.
    Also its doing the aboriginal people no favours in my eyes.
    Such double standards make it difficult for me not to have racist thoughts.
    After all I,m Australian too.

    cheers Scott
    Last edited by disorderly; 26-02-2007 at 10:02 PM. Reason: spelling error

  15. #15

    Re: Been netting again

    Same rules for all why should they have to abide by the rules of white dictatorship. Wether you like it or not this is there land (oop's sorry we took it by force it's ours now, and to all those other people trying too come here by boat sorry your skins not the right colour you'll have to go home) they have 10's of thousands of years on anybody here and for those years the land and fisheries were kept in pristine condition, they depended on it, then whities came and we have what we have today hell they probably think "they've screwed the fisheries enough we might aswell do our bit as well".

    You may have to get special permits to travel across centain spots in this country thats because there stolen land has been rightfully returned to them i'm sure if someone wanted to walk through "your" backyard you would have something to say?

    How much is a huge swag full of barra anyway? How often is it done? How many people does it feed?

    I agree with some points though hopefully soon we will have the same rules for all so the next time(actually hopefully there won't be a nextime) a drunk aboriginal man dies from a sevre beating from a white policeman, the policeman will be charged when he should be not when public anger demands it.

    Hope nobody gets upset just my opinion.


    ps gunnabuild1 please don't step out of line again!!

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