I might pop in on my way to work - will you still be there around 8-8:30?
I might pop in on my way to work - will you still be there around 8-8:30?
Would one or two of you blokes be willing to show me and one of my mates around a bit in Townsville, we'll be coming up in a bit over a week for 5 days and need a bit of advice/guidence.
Ok Mozza,
See you there before you go to work. You will be sorry you never woke up early to hit the fishing...he!he!
Mozza................seen as you have been a local for yonks.....I will let you reply to the above message
Hi Rumpig,
I am still learning the ropes here in Townsville. Aplins weir at this time of the year especially after some good rains apparently excites the Barra. They do not exactly jump on to your hook and I am yet to catch one from Aplins weir fresh or saltwater side.
Most of my fishing is done around the rockwalls near the harbour. I use 30lb braid and 60 lb nylon leader and get into them every now and again. I must say that the last 5 times, I have come home home with nothing. An indigenous mate told me that there was too much fresh and I should give it another 3 weeks or so. If I never fished in 3 weeks I would go bonkers...........so I try anyway.
Thats about the extent of my experience up here. Apparently rocks at Palleranda and sometimes near the rockpool (strand) one can catch something descent.
If you guys have a boat I am sure your fishing escapades up here will be very good..........that is of course if you do not run into any floating handbags.
Good luck guys
waiting for your reports
Hey Rumpig, check your PM mate
Looks like Rumpig's sorted.
Kev, the proof will be in the pudding...
Went out 4:30am this morning trolling the 'walls for 3/4? small cod. If anything, there is more bait hanging around out there than last week. The sounder often showed a 'black-out' from top to bottom. And I'm talking everywhere: right out the front away from the wall, patches in the harbour, the duck pond, everwhere.
There is more action now - mostly little GT, long tom and the occasional boil that indicated something a bit more significant. Well, I went through my tackle boxes before I finally started hooking small cod on SP in gold bomber colours. Possibly would have had better luck with a lighter lure as the the bait coughed up by the cod was white/silvery sardines(?). I have a white Nilsy Spearhead that didn't get tested because time ran out.
Kev et al, good luck tomorrow - still hoping to see some decent 'catches'...
Hi Mozza,
yes I also hope something jumps on my hook. I want to cast net after work out along the breakwater wall.........the little beach where the rocks jut out facing palleranda. Any suggestions for out there................I will load up the paternoster with livies and probably use a hard body lure to keep me occcupied. Might try the duck pond or just on the otherside of that wall. I think it will be too windy to get it into the shipping channel
I will try from 5-7pm
see you Tomorrow
see you tomorrow morning kev and mozza. kev are you going to bring a cast net??? i dont have one at present, and wouldnt mind having a livie out, whilst flicking at the same time.
i'll bring some beers, just in case we one.![]()
Hi Noodles,
I will probably be there a little bit before 5:30 and YES I will have a cast net. Hopefully We can get some livies...............I am sure there are herring in the lagoon but hoping for nice big mullet as well
see you in the morning
Hey Mozza, how did the Barra taste? She looks a bit greeny. Do you think it was one that came over the wall? I saw a barra landed there on Monday arvy around 5 I think. It would've been about a metre. The best fishing I ever had at Aplins was back in '91 when a mate and I wagged school and fished Mister Twisters from the rocks, casting downstream and then sloooooowly winding them back against the current. We caught over 50 between us in a couple of hours. Most were between 5o and 60cm but there was the odd bigger one. All went back in as it was closed season. That same season we found heaps of top barra lures from all the newbies in the area. They were getting snagged on the rocks and sticks and the steel bars and we'd go in with the goggles on and get them later. School days, they were the best.
went down there this afo, plenty of fisho's not much going on till sunset, then it picked up, onelad was there with a fly, he nailed 5 or so, just where the water runs into the river.
I managed to nail 1, drifted a little livey down the flow, WOOOHOOO
was only 50cm, but my first barra, so am pretty stoked
thanks to Nathanrb4 for showing me around
Maybe we should have a quick M&G down at the weir when Rumpig gets up this way, go down, down a few coldies, have a fish and a yarn.
one of my students from school brought in a picture of 2 solid barra caught at black wier on lures wednesday night..... still waiting to hook a fish in these northern water, doesn't seem to be as easy expected.
It's good to hear that a few of you guys are getting into the fish, if anyone want's to offer some advice or more..., I'm always willing to learn!!