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Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park - Page 4
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Thread: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park

  1. #46
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Aug 2006

    Re: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park

    Hi Shane,

    Thanks for the reply it clears things up a bit. From what you said about Adam - it sounded like he gave you a push or something, but from what you say it wasnt like that? Is it too rude to ask what the issues were that contibuted? Also I think Pinhead asked some questions which I was keen to see what your response was.

    I will email KC and request a copy of your constitution, thank you for that.

    Also keen to hear Adams take on all this (I like to know a little about someone before I go and offer my full support).

    Grand Marlin: I dont know if I believe that, but if its true I would say you probably deserve it. Just my opinion but you arent really helping very much and much of what you say sounds like a personal attack. Everyone has a right to defend themselves and it doesnt seem to matter what he says you always put him down.

    TOL and DR: Funny stuff keep it up this has gotten very serious and way out of hand.


  2. #47

    Re: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park


    If you disagree with my comments please name them and state why.

    It has been said that my comments were NOT aimed at a personal attack, but for the wellbeing of TFPQ long term.

    It was clearly stated that a member of TFPQ that makes personal, off the cuff comments on political issues, will have those comments reflect on TFPQ whether they mean to or not.

    Do you dispute this? if so why?

    I wont comment further on the PM, but lets just say, it is in good hands.

    So, TruBlu, do you condone a person in this position making personal / professional threats from behing their political guise?

  3. #48

    Re: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park

    Quote Originally Posted by Adamy View Post
    Jeremy... NO!! thats is not an "official" response!! did it say TFPQ under it? No it didnt - it said Adam - any mistakes were mine and not TFPQ's so anyone who wants to blame the party for that - well we were never going to get your vote any way - so not going to sweat that!! I am also a member of some other organisations and also a student and teacher at Uni... you want to put them on your black list as well??? - please let me know I'll send you the list!!

    as you can see from several other responses, there are other people who also feel the same as I do about this. As Chairperson of TPFQ SB, any comment that you make on any pollitical issue, is seen as coming from the Chairperson of TPFQ SB, rather from Adamy. You cannot sperate those identities when it comes to any issues which could be political. Your disclaimer means nothing.

    I was not and am not attacking you personally, but you are taking it that way. Neither is anyone else, but you choose to take the comments as a personal attack and respond with personal attacks. Such a shame.

    KC has been a fantastic example over the past few years of someone with thick skin and political nous. He responds to criticism dispassionately and in a logical manner. Takes all comments and criticisms on board and responds appropriately. He has never fired a barb back at anyone that I have seen, so his responses always reduce conflict, rather than escalating it. You are just the complete opposite.

    I am just interested to see what you are going to do in this critically important year for rec fishing in SEQ. It appears so far that you have done nothing in the two months you have been chair. But I could be wrong. I guess you have been hard at work organising a booth and booth workers at the Tackle and Tinny show, merchandise to sell, brochures to give away, people to help you do all this etc etc. Am I right?

    I cannot put it any better than this:
    Quote Originally Posted by Shane Boese View Post
    This is not about me it is about making Sure the rec fisher gets the Representation that they need and if it means giving some one a kick to get them moving so be it we must keep the fire burning because if we don’t we will all lose.

    Shane Boese
    Adam, your most recent posts on this thread indicate that you have lost the plot completely. Personal attacks from someone in your position take away your credibility. You need to develop thick skin if you are going to accept a political position as this is, and learn to live with the knockers. If you can't handle the heat, get out of the kitchen, because you are only doing TPFQ damage at present.

    You comment about TPFQ not getting my vote is simply ignorant. I have been a member of TPFQ for over 3 years, virtually since its formation. I also served for one year as an excetutive member of TPFQ SB. I voted TPFQ at the last State election. How I vote at the coming Federal election is yet to be decided. I saw the passion and energy Shane had, and the incredible time, effort and money he put into the fight. That drew in my support. The reasons Shane resigned as chair of TPFQ SB are already documented on this site, and it is not for me to go there, but they were enough for me to resign as an excetutive member also.

    We have yet to see anything resembling the same passion and energy, let alone time, effort and money from you Adam.

    Why don't you clear your head and re-read this thread without the emotion and without taking it so personally. You have alot to learn and you'd better wake up soon!

    Last edited by Jeremy; 26-02-2007 at 11:16 AM.
    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  4. #49

    Re: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlu View Post
    Ydid you also want to include the rude comments that that individual made to me? I was trying to ask a valid question and make a valid argument and comment and copped a tirade of abuse, my questions were not even addressed to that man he just butted in and was very rude.

    Tru Blu,

    there was no abuse from me buddy. I simply asked you to put up or shut up. You never replied.

    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  5. #50
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park

    wow there was a personal attack if ever I saw one.
    As I said previosuly..Adam should just resign ...I know I would not put up with all the crap that has been thrown.
    I am glad I did not join TFP SQ if this is the way it has been operating.
    I would not have voted for the candidate in the Redlands area if I lived there...there appeared to be issues that do not sit comfortably with myself.

  6. #51

    Re: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlu View Post
    Hi Shane,

    Is it too rude to ask what the issues were that contibuted? Also I think Pinhead asked some questions which I was keen to see what your response was.


    I thank you for your interest, but I am not prepared to revisit or go into any further details on the issue as it can do no-one any good. Past events have been a valuable learning curve, and we now have bigger fish to fry in state and federal politics.

    We look like being locked out of the bottom end of Fraser, there is talk of taxing 4WD owners as punishment for owning one (see post by redspeckle), and of course the big one for us is the Moreton Bay Marine Park Review. As much as the current thread has been entertaining, we mustn't lose sight of the real fight which is for our fishing rights.

    Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent genius will not; un-rewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone is omnipotent."

  7. #52
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park

    Hi Shane,

    Fair enough, it was worth a try to try and find out what is fueling this fued so many of you seem to be having with just one person over seemingly insignificant issues. But thank you for your reply at least it was decent - not like some people.

    Jeremy: I'm not your buddy, I wouldnt be your buddy even if I was male, you are one disrespectful arrogant man, in fact lets change that to "male"; I dont know if you are worthy to be called a man. By the way is that your "official" reply as a representative of the Brisbane sports fishing club? Then I suppose everything you say and the attitude you display represents your club? Dont think I'll be joining thanks!

    GM: I did have a reply to my request from Adam for more information (he says he shouldnt say anything more in public as he only gets shot down), he sent me the whole lengthy pm. I have cut and pasted the part you were talking about below. I cant find anywhere where he mentions using his political contacts to degrade your business. I think its just another case you you not correctly interpreting anothers writing, which seems to be the very problem a few people here suffered in the first place.

    From my point of view - you asked and invited publicly Adam and everyone to judge your workmanship based on your words - the complete package which makes you. Seems to me that he has taken you up on that offer and judged your business by your words saying that you can kiss any business from him goodbye. He then says that you can forget any referrals you might have otherwise got from him, then he mentions the people he knows in this "industry" Industry is an interesting word it denotes output and from what I have looked up (and what has been explained to me) if you are in industry to contribute to GDP. Government and politics does not contribute to GDP and therfore cannot be counted as "industry" so he could not have been referring to his political contacts.

    So... the only other industry that you seem to be both involved in is the fishing/boating industry. From what has been explained to me Adam was simply referring to the contacts he has in that industry that he will not be referring your business to. Anyway thats what he says he was referring to - his refusal to referr any business to you. I have read it and reread it many times and I tend to agree.

    So as usual you have misinterpreted what he was saying. So to answer your question - thats what I dont like about what you were/are saying, you are/were wrong but simply refuse to admit it.

    Anyway heres the actual quote - see what others think.

    My workmanship, wordmanship, personal & professional integrity and mannerism is all on display, and is always being judged... not just my workmanship.
    The whole lot is a package deal of what constitutes "Me".
    Good for you!! I dont like how you have been presenting yourself over the last few posts and so I guess that means I wont like your workmanship either! Kiss that business goodbye and any goodwill you may have had from me as a person in my "position" who can recommend people to various businesses as seems to happen quite frequently. Dont forget - I have a lot of "contacts" in this industry - as well as you might - word of mouth means a lot - just as your words have had an effect on my "business" or rather "position" my words may also have an effect - while shooting me you may also be shooting yourself. Can you convince me that your remarks werent personal - when you use words like pathetic? I dont know maybe time will heal!
    Sorry this has been such a long post. I also have a copy of the TFPQ constitution (thanks Shane) but I will leave that for another post.


  8. #53

    Re: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park

    So much for PRIVATE messages...

    Looks pretty cut and dried to me Shirl.

    Maybe you should post the rest of the PM so as people can see what vain it was written in.

  9. #54

    Re: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park

    And those were the days of our lives. I hope we can all look back on our younger days and laugh about it. The bottem line is, NO ONE GIVES A SH$T. There are more important fish to fry. I forgot who said that, but not a truer word has been said.

    P\S People who think they are above the law and they try to cross that line, you will have no-one to blame but your self.

    signed tunaman

  10. #55

    Re: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park

    Gotta agree with Pete. That is really poor form to post someone else's Private Message unless both parties agree to it. What were you thinking

    This whole post is a disgrace

  11. #56

    Re: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park

    from thread

    Quote Originally Posted by TruBlu View Post
    Congrats on a serious fish there Deb!! I think your arms must be a little longer now!

    Chat soon,

    So is it Shirl or is it Adam?
    Don't tell me you're not the same person, avtar is the same.
    TWO-FACED whoever you are
    Last edited by Jeremy; 28-02-2007 at 08:05 AM.
    "The underlying spirit of angling is that the skill of the angler is pitted against the instinct and strength of the fish and the latter is entitled to an even chance for it's life."
    (Quotation from the rules of the Tuna Club Avalon, Santa Catalina, U.S.A.)

    Apathy is the enemy

  12. #57

    Re: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park


    Thats Gold Mate

    I notice the name in the link has been changed from Adam to Shirl AFTER you pointed it out

    I do apologise to everyone who has had to put up with this thread, but sometimes I just have to see things through.



  13. #58
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Re: Here We Go Again AMCS is Ramping up there Campaign for Moreton Bay Marine Park

    Yes sorry about that! freudian slip or something I suppose - just as lucky I didnt sign it Jeremy as you have both been on my mind of late


    Shirl or is it Jeremy or Adam?

    I guess you could always call Deb and ask her - I've talked to her on the phone a couple of times when Eric took my ex fishing.

    Sorry to GM or Adam if I offended by sharing pm's I just assumed it was OK. I was mistaken.
    Last edited by Hunta; 28-02-2007 at 04:39 PM.

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